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What is Equity in Education?

Equality: Every young student is treated equally. They have the same support, but they have different circumstances. Not everyone has access to the same high-quality early learning opportunities.


Equity: Every young student is treated equitably. They are presented with the same high-quality early learning opportunities. But they still have different circumstances due to the lack of fairness and inclusion.


Justice: Every young student is treated equitably, with the same high-quality early learning opportunities, in an education system that is more fair and inclusive.

Sprig Learning converts equality to equity through its high-quality evidence-based early learning solutions that are designed to achieve all the necessary early learning milestones. Introducing these solutions to diverse classrooms and districts ensure that everyone has the same opportunities to succeed.


Through its holistic assessments and culturally responsive educational materials, it then converts this equity to justice for all students, where the education provided is more fair and inclusive due to better understanding the needs of each student and better representing them in the educational content.

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