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The Science of Teaching Reading: Effective Reading Assessment, Explicit Reading Instruction and Targeted Reading Intervention

Reading is an essential skill for success for all learners. 

Not all students develop reading skills at the same pace, however. Therefore, teachers need to be equipped with the right tools and resources that support all students to receive the right instruction, at the right time, and at the right level.  

The science of teaching reading involves effective reading assessments, explicit reading instruction, and targeted reading interventions. In this blog post, we will explore each of these elements and how they can enhance student reading skills.


Effective Reading Assessment

Effective Reading Assessment

A critical step to understanding your students’ learning needs, strengths and interests is to enable an ongoing assessment of their reading skills. 

There are hundreds of foundational skills students need to master to become a strong reader.  Without an effective assessment of these skills for every student, teachers lack the information and understanding required to support their students to improve their reading skills. 

There are several types of reading assessments, including screeners, diagnostics, progress trackers and outcome evaluators. All are important for student success. It’s necessary that a teacher is equipped with the right tool (or tools) for these types of assessments. 

For example, a teacher may require an assessment tool for screening particular reading skills or challenges that the student is suspected of, for example, dyslexia

Subsequently, they may need a tool that diagnoses reading ability at various checkpoints throughout the school year. 

Teachers can also benefit from assessment tools that monitor student progress in a number of reading skills throughout the course of the school year to track improvements and identify skills that require additional support and nurturing. 

Lastly, a school system may wish to assess  reading skills using standardized tests or other measures to support professional development and curriculum development.  

There are some specialized assessment tools, which cover one of these purposes (i.e. screeners), but there are also many tools that support multiple purposes and classroom practices.

Ultimately, schools and educators should choose assessments that best fit their students’ needs. By using effective reading assessment, teachers can identify a student’s strengths and needs in reading, which is essential for designing effective reading instruction.

It’s important to note that assessments should be used as a tool for identifying areas where students need additional support and not as a means to label or diagnose.

Every student is unique. When teachers are able to get a comprehensive and holistic understanding of their learning strengths, needs, interests, background and opportunities as early as possible, they are able to provide students with an early learning experience that is most conducive to reading achievement. 


Age-appropriate Assessment

When it comes to assessing early literacy skills in Pre-K to 3 students, it’s important to use age-appropriate assessment tools. According to the National Early Literacy Panel, the best predictors of later reading success are: measures of phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and rapid automatized naming (RAN).

Assessment tools used in early childhood classrooms to assess foundational skills, like the ones mentioned above, are extremely beneficial for teachers.

How often do you measure foundational reading skills?

It’s also important to note that assessment tools which are administered two to three times a cannot truly be classified as a formative assessment tool, which should look to measure weekly progress of the foundational skills, if not daily!


Explicit Reading Instruction

Explicit Reading Instruction

As teacher’s gain insights from daily and weekly assessments of  reading skills, they must translate that information into the delivery of explicit reading instruction. 

This means providing instruction that is clear, direct, and focused. 

Explicit reading instruction should be systematic and scaffolded to ensure that students can learn and apply new skills and strategies.

One effective approach to explicit reading instruction is the gradual release of the responsibility model. This model involves the teacher modeling a skill or strategy, followed by guided practice, and then independent practice. This approach allows students to learn new skills and strategies while receiving the necessary support and feedback from the teacher. 

This process is critical as it sets the stage for assessment, instruction, and assessment again to gauge progress. By assessing students’ learning after instruction, teachers can make informed decisions about how to adjust instruction to best support each student’s reading development.


Choosing The Right Learning Content and Resources

Explicit reading instruction in Pre-K to 3 classrooms should focus on developing the foundational literacy skills such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

It’s important to use engaging and developmentally appropriate materials to keep students motivated and interested in reading. 

Overall, when it comes to teaching early literacy skills in Pre-K to 3 classrooms, it’s important to use a comprehensive approach that incorporates both explicit instruction and playful learning experiences. 

It is very helpful when it is mentioned how certain concepts can be instructed explicitly in the classroom by using certain learning strategies, many of which are quite playful!


Appropriate Reading Intervention

Appropriate Reading Intervention

Even with proper reading assessment and explicit reading instruction, some students may still struggle with reading. In these cases, it is essential to provide the right reading intervention. 

Reading intervention should be evidence-based, meaning that it is based on research that has proven to be effective.

One evidence-based reading intervention is the Orton-Gillingham approach, which is a multisensory approach to reading instruction. This approach involves using multiple senses to teach phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Whatever the intervention approach is, it should be timely, and assessment should be formative. Early literacy gaps must be closed quickly. There should t be a plan for how quickly the students will be reassessed!


In-class Intervention or Program?

In Pre-K to 3 classrooms, reading intervention should be evidence-based and focus on the specific areas where students need support. It’s important to note that early intervention is key to preventing reading difficulties from becoming more severe and persistent later on.

It is often best to have these interventions as a part of the teaching process in tier 1 and tier 2 instruction.

Such intervention approaches built into classroom instruction (both core instruction and small-group differentiated instruction) will always be more efficient and cost effective than intensive programs which work with too few students, and usually at a time when it is too late for help.


Putting It All Into Action

Putting it All Into Action

The science of teaching reading may seem complex and multifaceted on the surface. But by breaking it down into its essential components, an action plan can be developed by any educator to make an immediate impact on their students’ learning! 

By using proper reading assessment, explicit reading instruction, and appropriate reading intervention, teachers can enhance their students’ reading skills and set them up for success in school and beyond.

Indeed the role of reading assessment, teaching strategy and appropriate interventions may be more nuanced depending on the exact foundational skill set or sub skill that the explicit instruction is delivered on.

For that, there are experts who have invested decades in researching the most effective ways to improve reading skills for all types of learners. 

 Luckily, there’s a fantastic opportunity to dive deeper into this topic and learn from some of the top experts in the field. 

The upcoming virtual Summit, “The Science of Teaching Reading: Promising 90% Early Literacy Success (JK to 3) ” will offer short keynotes and workshops that address key classroom-based questions. 

You’ll hear from the likes of  Dr. Anne Cunningham, Dr. Tim Rasinski, Dr. Maria Walther and who will cover topics like phonics and phonological awareness, fluency and comprehension, and playful practice centers. 

Learn from some of the best in the field and improve your students’ reading abilities. Register now for the August 30, 2023, Zoom Summit, and enhance your understanding of the science of teaching reading. 

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15 Highly Effective Classroom-based Advice From 15 Structured Literacy Educators (Teachers, Specialists, & Scientists)

nStructured Literacy, as defined by the International Dyslexia Association, refers to highly explicit and systematic teaching of all the critical components of literacy. 

In many school districts, there is a growing concern that diverse classrooms of students are not achieving their full potential in reading. 

This has led to an increased demand for more structured literacy instruction that provides a comprehensive focus on foundational reading skills, ensuring that every student receives rigorous early literacy support.

Through structured literacy instruction, students who excel in certain areas can naturally advance, while those who struggle in certain areas receive additional instruction and practice, so they do not fall behind and are not left struggling by the time they reach Grade 3.

Teaching reading is both a science and an art, and it is important to learn from experienced early literacy researchers, teachers, specialists, coaches, and interventionists to determine the best practices for effective reading instruction.

This article compiles 15 valuable pieces of advice on how to teach early learners to read from highly experienced literacy specialists, coaches, teachers, and experts. 

The individuals featured in this article have dedicated years to researching and implementing the best methods for teaching reading, and their experience and wisdom are unparalleled.


15 Structured Literacy Tips That Can Be Implemented in The Classroom

15 Structured Literacy Tips That Can Be Implemented in The Classroom

The information for this article was gathered by asking early literacy experts for their best advice on teaching reading in the classroom, and by identifying published papers or interviews that highlight how their research can be applied to the art of teaching reading.

Without further delay, let us delve into the valuable insights shared by these educators.


1. Use In-class Observation to Design The Right Learning Environment

“There is something so beautiful about the joy and excitement that comes from the connection with texts. Listen closely to the conversations that are happening around you and the way students gravitate towards play. Are they rushing to the kitchen corner? Plant a few cookbooks. Lego lovers? Print a collection of simple builds or find the ‘how-to’ books. Animal lovers? Find your local pet store’s ‘Guides to Owning a…”. Strategically place these gems in the classroom and encourage using the environment as an ever-changing wealth of information.”

– J. Roxanne Young

Early Literacy Specialist and Curriculum Coordinator at Southpointe Academy

Formative assessment goes beyond just quiz scores, but also involves observation.


2. Provide a Multi-sensory Learning Experience To Teach Reading

“An excellent way to support early literacy development is to offer children open-ended, natural materials to manipulate and experience in their learning. When practicing phonemic awareness, they can trace letter shapes in the sand – or form the symbol with sticks or rocks. Open-ended activities such as these, also help support student agency and independence. ”

-Marcella De Diego

Reading Intervention Specialist

Engaging activities and resources are required to teach all the all-important foundational reading skills.


3. Understand How The Brain Processes Information Relating To Reading

“All children have the right to know how to make sense of the lines, squiggles, curves, and dots making up text, whether they are reading someone else’s thoughts or creating their own thoughts in writing. This is the essence of literacy. Every child has the right to understand how the human brain learns to read and spell, as well as a teacher who understands this same information. Attaining literacy is surely not a ‘passive process’. My message to teachers and families: “Be sure YOU understand how the human brain learns to attain literacy as either the teacher or parent of children.” Seek information about the research behind The Science of Reading. 

-Lori Josephson

Literacy Coach and Dyslexia Specialist

Knowledge of how reading skills develop gives greater confidence to young learners.


4. Ensure That Decoding Happens Fluently Enough To Lead to Comprehension

“It is not enough for young students to be able to decode words accurately; they also need to develop their word decoding competencies to an automatic and effortless level so that they can read with good expression and focus their attention on reading for meaning. In my mind’s eye, an effective foundational reading curriculum would occur in kindergarten through grade 2. Each day, students would receive the type of literacy instruction that would be considered exemplary: read-aloud by the teacher, authentic reading of stories and dictated texts followed by meaningful response activities, time to read and explore books and other reading material independently, instruction on how words work (phonemic awareness, phonics, and words study), and opportunities to engage in authentic writing.”

-Dr. Tim Rasinski

Professor of Literacy Education at Kent State University, multi-award-winning author and international expert on fluency and word play.

Decoding is only the beginning. Further practice takes the art of decoding to a new level.


5. Focus Efforts Early On To Give Future Readers Their First Breakthrough

“Getting an airplane off the ground is an excellent analogy for what we have to do in the beginning stages of reading acquisition. It does require an inordinate effort and focus on helping children to break the code and understanding these letter sound patterns, and fragmenting and putting them together rapidly so those words become automatized. In our study, what we found was that children who made this breakthrough, who broke the code early on in first grade, not only became better readers in high school, which is what we’d predict, but they engaged in print more.”

-Dr. Anne Cunningham

Literacy development scientist and a special education professor at University of California, Berkeley.

Early literacy intervention is a crucial part of early literacy instruction.


6. Work With The Interests of Your Students

“I begin every year with a quick survey about my students’ favorite topics. The data I collect helps me make instructional decisions that impact my book selections for read-aloud, for guided reading and for my students’ individual book boxes. If I know that Sam is interested in trains, then I might entice him with a book like Freight Train by Donald Crews. After he’s hooked, I’ll hand him an informational book about trains that is a bit more complex but uses the same vocabulary as Freight Train, and so on.”

-Dr. Maria Walther

Teacher, Author and Literacy Consultant

A holistic assessment tries to know everything about the student: their strengths, weaknesses, interests and dislikes. 


7. Think of Ways For Students to Actively Participate in The Reading Process

“You can’t drill and skill phonics, that won’t work. Phonics, just like every other aspect of literacy, depends on understanding and thinking. The key to teaching phonics well is not just teaching them their ABCs, you must know the ABCs, but it’s not just teaching them, helping them to learn letter/sound correspondences, but it’s finding a way to get them to think actively about how the whole thing works so they’ll learn.”

-Marilyn Jager Adams

Cognitive and Developmental Psychologist and a Reading Researcher. 


8. Give Ample Opportunities for Practicing Taught Concepts

“A large number of studies have shown us that if we explicitly teach and then give students lots of opportunities to practice specific reading comprehension strategies, their reading comprehension will improve and improve much more than it would do just naturally. Some of these studies teach just a single comprehension strategy, and even from teaching just one comprehension strategy, we do see gains in students. Other studies will have students learning several different strategies and implementing those, and again, we see really, in some cases, very substantial growth from the research studies in kids’ reading comprehension abilities even in the very early years of schooling.”

-Dr. Nell Duke

Professor of Literacy at The University of Michigan and Language Expert

Find time for practice in the daily teaching schedule.


9. Engage in Small Group Instruction. It can be as Effective As One-to-One Instruction.

“The effects of three grouping formats—1:1 (one teacher with 1 student), 1:3 (one teacher with 3 students), and 1:10 (one teacher with 10 students)—on the reading outcomes of second-grade struggling readers was studied. Students in all groups were given the same supplemental reading intervention for the same number of sessions, thus holding intervention type and intensity constant and varying group size. Students made significant gains in phoneme segmentation, fluency, and comprehension following the intervention, and these gains were maintained at follow-up (4—5 weeks after intervention). Based on effect sizes, both 1:1 and 1:3 were highly effective intervention group sizes for supplemental reading instruction. Although the 1:1 grouping format yielded significantly higher scores for phoneme segmentation, fluency, and comprehension than the 1:10, it was not superior to the 1:3 on any outcome measure.”

-Dr. Sharon Vaughn. 

Literacy researcher and executive director of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The University of Texas at Austin

If individual learning personalization is too much of a draw on resources, small group differentiation can also get the job done.


10. Have a Tracking Mechanism For Literacy Skills.

“Once reading instruction begins, the best predictor of future reading growth is current reading achievement, and the most critical indicators of good progress in learning to read during the early elementary period are measures of word reading skill. Children who end up as poor readers at the end of elementary school are almost invariably those who fail to make normal progress in these skills during the first years of elementary school.”

-Dr. Joseph Torgesen

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Education at Florida State University and Dyslexia Specialist

Regardless of if it’s diagnostic, formative or summative assessments, all of this assessment data should be made easy to track.


11. Provide Enough Autonomy to Educators Who Know Their Class Best.

Most teachers “credited other exemplary teachers for supporting them and encouraging them to become better teachers and to assume greater professional responsibility for the success of their students. These teachers seemed to understand that professional responsibility meant choosing how to teach, what to teach, and with what sorts of curricular materials and tasks: they rejected the low-autonomy/high-accountability models that seem increasingly popular with advocates of “proven programs.”Instead, these teachers elected a high-autonomy/high accountability model. They seemed to feel no particular pressure from state testing schemes, perhaps because their students performed so well. At the same time, because they were the architects of the instruction offered in their classrooms, they reported a greater sense of responsibility for student outcomes. In other words, these teachers accepted the professional responsibility for developing high levels of reading proficiency but insisted on the autonomy to act on their expertise”.

-Dr. Richard Allington

Professor of Literacy Studies at The University of Tennessee and reading instruction Scholar

Find a tool/resource that will act as a force multiplier to existing best practices.


12. Ensure Adequate Teacher Collaboration.

“Find yourself some friends with whom to work. They make me think of things I have not thought of before. Other people keep you honest, and other people keep you going.”

-Dr. P. David Pearson

Reading Researcher & Professor of education at the University of California, Berkeley 

Apart from providing the right professional development, set up a culture of collaboration where teachers can discuss in-class practices amongst themselves to learn and improve. 


13. Understand All the Essential Sub-skills of Each Foundational Skill Set

Phonemic awareness training must include connecting the oral phonemes and the letters that represent them.”  

-Joanne Heckbert

Reading and Assessment Specialist and Co-owner of KAS Corporation Ltd.

When teaching a class, it helps to know everything a student needs to know in order to progress to reading mastery. 


14. Choose Professional Development That is Backed by Research

As a structured literacy teacher and Orton Gillingham trained interventionist, I know the critical importance of following a pedagogically sound phonemic awareness program such as Equipped for Reading Success by Dr. Kilpatrick. Experts and researchers agree that Phonological and phonemic awareness are the greatest predictors of later reading proficiency.

-Suzanne Diermann

Literacy Specialist at Illuminate Literacy

It helps to rely on professional learning that will help you fulfill your teaching goals, in this case, helping students gain reading proficiency. 


15. Think of Fun Ways to Assess For Important Skills

“If your child has difficulty playing “Anomia for kids”, they probably have phonological and possibly phonemic awareness difficulties. Easy and fun way to assess! “

-Barbara Mendes

Experienced Reading Specialist at Reading Routes

Play-based early learning is conducive to reading success.


Structured Literacy Leads to Early Reading Achievement!

Structured Literacy Leads to Early Reading Achievement!

We hope that the 15 valuable pieces of advice from these experts compiled in this article have provided you with insight and inspiration for your classroom. 

If you are interested in learning more about Structured Literacy and evidence-based practices for effective reading instruction, join us at The HeART and The Science Summit in August. 

The Summit will bring together top researchers, practitioners, and advocates to share insights, strategies, and solutions for addressing the reading crisis in North America, including three names mentioned in this very article! Namely: Dr. Rasinski, Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Walthers.

Connect with like-minded educators and learn from leading experts in the field. Register now to reserve your spot!

Evidence-based Early Literacy in the United States [Covers All 50 States. Updated for 2023]

In 2023, states across the US continue to strengthen previous legislative acts, other states have action plans in place to deal with literacy inequity, while others enact new laws to increase early reading achievement.

Several resources exist covering much of the good work underway across the US.

We’ve summarized the most relevant information about early literacy achievement from various resources and presented it here. Our interactive map, which is unique in focusing on Pre-K to Grade 3, allows you to click on a state and learn about local efforts focussed on improving early literacy outcomes.


How to Read Each Evidence-based Early Literacy Profile

Evidence-Based Early Literacy Profile

Each state profile includes an update for 2023 and succinct answers to all of the following questions:

Quality of Instruction

  • Is instruction evidence-based? How so?

Assessments & Monitoring of Data

  • Besides mandated assessments, what other structures are in place to monitor student progress?
  • Given the importance of identifying dyslexic early learners, is there a provision to screen for these learners?
  • Is there a plan for connecting Pre-K data to school data, and a mechanism for dealing with students who don’t meet reading requirements by Grade 3?


  • Is there any guidance on how the assessment data is to be used?
  • Is guidance provided on the type of interventions that should be implemented?

Pre-kindergarten, elementary and secondary education in the US is regulated at both the federal and state level. It is helpful to see the policies and laws for  each state in the US, to get a feel for how things are progressing and to understand the current landscape of evidence-based early literacy policies in the US. 

Sprig Reading is an interactive instructional tool for JK-2 teachers that promotes evidence-based teaching practices for diverse classrooms. It emphasizes the importance of screening for dyslexia and using formative assessments. It aligns well with existing screening and assessment policies and conforms to all assessment use cases required by law, such as informing intervention policies, reporting to parents, and guiding instruction.


The Interactive Evidence-based Early Literacy Map of the US





Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Alabama State Department of Education is partnering with the Barksdale Reading Institute to perform a complete evaluation of all Teacher Education Programs. The purpose is to improve literacy by collaborating with other states and aligning school preparation and licensure with evidence-based literacy instruction.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Alabama Literacy Act, passed in 2019, has sharpened the focus on early grades reading and directed coaching support and additional resources to support reading instruction based on the science of reading. The law now requires all schools to assess all students in reading from kindergarten through third grade.” (Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third-grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of interventions:

– Summer school.

– After school.

– Saturday school tutorial programs.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is supplying districts with tools to assist them in choosing evidence-based interventions or supplemental programs that can be utilized in Individual Reading Improvement Plans to enhance students’ reading deficits.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“In June 2022, Governor Mike Dunleavy signed the Alaska Reads Act into law, creating four new programs to support early literacy: district reading intervention program, department reading program, voluntary Pre-K and Parents as teachers, and  a virtual education consortium.” (The Alaska Reads Act)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Allowed, but not required. Retention policy is a local decision.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third-grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Read On Arizona, led by the state literacy director is a commitment among stakeholders to collectively improve literacy in the state. To accelerate progress in early literacy and Grade 3 reading, it has shared the following four strategic priorities: 1) Building educator capacity in teaching reading effectively. 2)Scaling up literacy solutions that work. 3) Engaging families and communities in early literacy. 4)Expanding access to quality early learning.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Arizona’s Move on When Reading law was first enacted in 2010 and implemented in 2013.  The purpose of the legislation is to identify struggling readers and to provide them with specific, targeted interventions so that they are reading at or above grade level by the end of the 3rd grade.

A student may not be promoted from the third grade if the student fails to demonstrate sufficient reading skills on the statewide assessment as determined by the Board.” (Arizona State Board of Education). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening and formative assessments in reading are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Inform instruction.

– Monitor student progress.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Intensive intervention based on high-quality research findings.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






 Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Governor of Arkansas issued an executive order calling for the establishment of systems, structures, and processes that incentivize the adoption and implementation of high-quality instructional materials and curricula for core academic instruction for all students, as well as intervention programs for struggling students, to ensure that all students are on track to read at or above grade level by the end of third grade.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Right to Read Act, amended by the Arkansas Legislature in 2019, requires curriculum programs that are supported by the science of reading and based on instruction that is explicit, systematic, cumulative, and diagnostic, including without limitation: (1) dyslexia programs that are evidence based and aligned to structured literacy or grounded in the Orton-Gillingham methodology, (2) evidence-based reading intervention programs, and (3) evidence-based reading programs that are grounded in the science of reading.” (Division of Elementary and Secondary Education)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Literacy and mathematics assessments are required in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Reporting to students, parents and the community.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– In school intensive reading instruction.

– Summer school programs.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The California Department of Education recently invested $7.9 billion in the Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant, which supports closing learning gaps through the implementation, expansion, or enhancement of learning supports such as extended instructional time, tutoring or other one-on-one or small group learning supports, and learning recovery programs. It has also spent $10 million in educator training in evidence-based literacy instruction, literacy interventions, and executive functioning abilities.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Senate Bill 488 Teacher credentialing: reading instruction was signed in 2021, “which will require the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to revise and strengthen teaching standards for licensure for new teachers that incorporate both the science of reading and the California Dyslexia Guidelines. Decoding DyslexiaThe new law will require that accredited teacher preparation programs meet higher standards with respect to preparing teachers in evidence-based reading instruction, particularly foundational reading skills. The CTC will also be required to certify that existing accredited teacher preparation programs are aligned with the new teaching standards. The new law will sunset the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (or “RICA) and it will be replaced with a new Literacy Teaching Performance Assessment that will include assessing instruction on foundational reading skills.” (New California Reading Law Tightens Teaching Standards)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

No additional assessments are required. However, districts can receive support from the state department of education to provide K-2 English language arts and mathematics formative assessments.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Summer school.

– Interim session remediation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

A bill was introduced in the Colorado General Assembly concerning dyslexia screening in schools. “It requires the department of education to provide professional development for local education providers and the public in evidence-based best practices, including screening, supplemental instruction, and intervention.”

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act), passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, focuses on early literacy development for all students and especially for students at risk to not read at grade level by the end of the third grade. The READ Act focuses on literacy development for kindergarteners through third-graders. Students are tested for reading skills, and those who are not reading at grade level are given individual READ plans. In 2019, the legislature strengthened the READ Act, adding new emphasis on the importance of instruction that is scientifically proven to be effective in teaching all students to read at grade level. It required all K-3 teachers to receive training in evidence-based reading instruction.” (Colorado READ Act).

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Allowed, but not required. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments in reading are required to be given by teachers in grades K-3. Summative reading assessments may be administered in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing individual intervention.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Student specific strategies based on their needs.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

As legislated per Connecticut General Statute, the Connecticut State Department of Education reviewed and approved reading curricula models and programs for use by local and regional boards of education for students in Kindergarten to Grade three (K–3). These models and programs are evidence-based and focus on competency in the research-based foundational reading skill sets.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?“New mandates within the recently enacted state budget bill require every school district in the state to have a reading curriculum that focuses on the so-called “science of reading” by 2023.The legislation, initially dubbed the “Right to Read” act, also calls for $12.8 million in spending to ensure that school districts where students are falling behind can hire reading coaches.” (Right to Read CT)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments in reading are required to be administered to students in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing instruction.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Supplemental reading instruction.

– Tutoring

– After school, school vacation, weekend, ro summer reading program.

– Individual reading plans.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Delaware Department of Education will screen each K-3 student three times a year for reading competency, starting in July 2023.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Senate Bill 4 was introduced in March 2022. “This Act requires the Department of Education to maintain and publish a list of evidence-based, reading instruction curricula for grades kindergarten through 3. Each curriculum on this list must align with the essential components of literacy, known as the “science of reading” and use high-quality instructional materials. This Act also requires that by the beginning of the 2027-2028 school year, school districts and charter schools serving students in grades kindergarten through 3 do all of the following: 1. Adopt a reading instruction curriculum from the Department list. 2. Demonstrate that all educators who teach reading complete professional development aligned with the essential components of evidence-based reading instruction. 3. Identify a school-based supervisory position responsible for assisting with the implementation of the adopted curriculum.” (Delaware General Assembly)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments on student progress on state standards must be given to students in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Reporting results to parents.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individual improvement plan.

– Summer school.

– Before and/or after school instruction.

– Saturday school.

– Tutoring.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

By June 15 of each year, every school district is required to submit a K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP) authorized by the local district school board, charter school governing board, or lab school board of trustees for the particular use of the evidence-based reading instruction allocation.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Just Read, Florida! was launched in 2001 with the unequivocal goal of every child being able to read at or above grade level. The 2022 Florida Statutes ensures that the office shall provide “training to reading coaches and school administrators on the evidence-based strategies for purposes of implementation, modeling, and classroom observations to support professional growth and inform performance evaluations of instructional personnel. It shall create multiple designations of effective reading instruction, with accompanying credentials, to enable all teachers to integrate reading instruction into their content areas. It shall also work with the Lastinger Center for Learning at the University of Florida to develop training for K-12 teachers, reading coaches, and school administrators on effective content-area-specific reading strategies to improve student reading performance.” (The 2022 Florida Statutes)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring assessments can be administered to identify reading deficiencies.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying reading deficiencies.

– Informing intensive, explicit, systematic, and multisensory reading interventions.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of interventions:

– Personalized intensive, explicit, systematic and multisensory.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

An act to amend the Georgia Early Literacy Act was passed that aims to improve literacy education in the state. The law would require the Department of Early Care and Learning to provide literacy instruction training to certain child care providers, and the State Board of Education to establish a standard for measuring literacy and approve high-quality instructional materials. Additionally, all public school students in kindergarten through third grade would undergo universal reading screening, and teachers in those grades would be required to complete training on reading science, structured literacy, and foundational literacy skills.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

HR 650 passed in 2022, which has the following committee goals 

“1. Define evidence-based literacy instruction.

  1. Understand impact of low-literacy on Georgia’s workforce competitiveness.
  2. Identify all the programs that exist along the pipeline and understand how they can work together.
  3. Examine how changes can be made to education standards to support evidence-based instruction and enable adaption as new science emerges.
  4. Determine how Georgia can best support and expand local ecosystems to maximize potential and while enabling local flexibility.
  5. Recommend actions and legislation as needed.” (HR 650: EVIDENCE BASED LITERACY STUDY COMMITTEE)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with the opportunity for a parental or teacher appeal.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments in reading and mathematics are required in grades 1 and 2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Class augmentation.

– Self-contained instructional models.

– Reduced class size.

– Pull-out models.

– Reading Recovery.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Department of Education is accepting applications for the Native Hawaiian Education program which addresses the impact of covid-19 listed as a competitive preference priority. To meet this priority, “using evidence-based instructional approaches and supports, such as professional development, coaching, and ongoing support for educators,” is listed as an option to meet the needs of underserved students. 

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

 Hawaii “requires all schools to have early screening and assessments for early identification of dyslexia. These requirements include:

  • A multi-tiered system of research-validated interventions and supports.
  • Multi-sensory structured language education.
  • Program content includes phonology and phonological awareness, sounds and symbol association, syllables, morphology, syntax, and semantics.” (Journal, IMSE)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Plan, introduced in 2020, “ lays a good framework for the state’s literacy instruction. The 45-page document identifies the five essential reading components as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.It also puts focus on research-based interventions and systematic, explicit instruction. It lays out how teachers shall use a wide variety of information about their students to develop individualized instruction that addresses students’ unique needs.” (Journal, IMSE)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments in literacy are required twice per year in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing interventions.

– Determining whether struggling schools will require a school intervention program.

– Reporting annually to the state board, legislature and governor and public.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Extended time literacy intervention.

– Minimum of 60 hours of supplemental instruction for students who score below basic on the reading screening assessment.

– Minimum of 30 minutes of supplemental instruction for students who score basic on the reading screening assessment.

– Online or digital instruction materials or programs may be used.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






2023 Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Literacy and Justice for All Act has been approved by the Illinois House Committee. The Act mandates that the State Board of Education adopt a rubric to evaluate curricula and select evidence-based, culturally inclusive core reading instruction programs, as well as provide a template to develop literacy plans and guidance on evidence-based practices to be made available to school districts.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The Right to Read Act passed the house committee in 2022. It requires “that the State Board of Education shall offer support: to each public school district to select evidence-based core reading instruction programs and implement them using structured literacy instruction; and to each early childhood, elementary, and special education teacher, reading specialist, literacy coach, and administrator to complete evidence-based training in teaching reading. Requires the State Board of Education to annually compile and post on its website information on the steps it has undertaken to support school districts to deliver high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction, including a list of any Early Literacy Grant recipients, documentation of how the recipient allocated the funding to support improved literacy, and what evidence-based literacy curricula the recipient is utilizing.” (Bill Track 50)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed. Retention policy is a local decision.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Summer bridge program of no less than 90 hours.

– Tutorial sessions.

– Increased or concentrated instructional time.

– Modifications to instructional materials.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

House Bill 1558 has passed that house of representatives, which establishes the Science of Reading Grant Fund, which will award grants to school corporations and charter schools for specific purposes. It requires that starting in the 2024-2025 school year, a superintendent, advisory committee, or governing body (or equivalent for a charter school) will be required to adopt a reading curriculum or supplemental materials that are aligned with the science of reading and the student’s reading proficiency.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

It was announced in August 2022 that “Indiana will spend $111 million to revamp its method of teaching reading to young students by prioritizing phonics, state leaders announced Thursday. The lion’s share of the funds will go to training teachers in the “science of reading” — a vast body of research on optimal early literacy techniques.  The bulk of the total money $85 million will go toward training current and future teachers on phonics-focused literacy instruction. Up to $60 million is for the state education department to increase the number of instructional coaches who specialize in phonics-based literacy in elementary schools.” (Chalkbeat Indiana). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with certain exemptions. 

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Formative and summative assessments in reading for grades K-2 must be included in a district’s reading plan.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Scientifically-based reading strategies that meet the student’s needs.

– Instruction by an effective teacher as measured by student performance results.

– At least 90 minutes of reading instruction each school day.

– At least one of the following instructional options:

– Tutoring before or after school.

– Parent workshops and a parent-guided home reading program.

– A mentor or tutor with specialized reading training and may include volunteers or school staff.

– Extended-day programs, supplemental instruction services.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Iowa has two codes in place that promote effective, evidence-based programming, instruction, and assessment practices. It requires that each school district must assess all students K-3 for their level of reading or reading readiness. For students who are persistently at risk in reading, schools must provide intensive instruction, including 90 minutes daily of scientific, research-based reading instruction.” (Journal, IMSE).

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Locally determined or statewide assessments in reading or reading readiness are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing instruction and intervention for students.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:- Reduced teacher-student ratios.

– More frequent progress monitoring.

– Small group instruction.

– Tutoring or mentoring.

– Extended school day, week, or year.

– Summer reading programs.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

HB 2567 was passed in 2022, which creates “the Every Child Can Read Act, which requires every school district in Kansas to implement a literacy program based on the science of reading, designed to ensure every student learns to read by third grade.” (Kansas Lawmakers Pass Transformational, Student-Centered Legislation)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

State or diagnostic assessments that meet state standards in math and reading are required in grades K-3

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required use of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing target specialized instructional interventions, programs and strategies.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individualized instruction.

– Alternative teaching methods.

– A restructured school day.

– Extended time strategies.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Kentucky Department of Education created the The Kentucky Read to Achieve Program. It offers the Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Grant, which provides competitive funds to schools to support teachers in implementing evidence-based instructional strategies and reading intervention programs for primary students (K-3) with low reading levels and a need for accelerated learning. Schools that receive the grant must ensure the implementation of reading intervention programs for tiers two and three and a comprehensive reading program at the tier one instructional level.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Kentucky passed a few laws relating to dyslexia in 2018. House Bill 187 required the Department of Education to create a dyslexia toolkit that contains guidance, training, and technical assistance aimed at implementing evidence-based practices.House Bill 367 created a dyslexia trust fund administered by the Kentucky Department of Education. The purpose of the fund is to finance grants to local school districts for support of students identified by the characteristics of dyslexia.” (Journal, IMSE)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Diagnostic assessments in reading must be provided by school districts for grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing intervention services for students who are not at a proficient reading level.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Response to Intervention.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

As per the Louisiana Department of Education’s (LDE) Believe to Achieve Plan, Starting June 1, 2023, and every three years thereafter, schools must create and send to LDE a foundational literacy plan for K-3 students, using literacy assessment data.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

In 2021, Louisiana passed Act 108, “which requires early literacy training for all K-3 teachers of reading, math, science, and/or social studies as well as principals and assistant principals of schools that include the K-3 grade levels. This training, which consists of the science of reading, must be completed no later than the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year.” (Richland Parish School Board). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening in literacy must be administered to all students in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of the K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying reading deficiencies.

– Identifying possible physical or mental impairments.

– Informing instruction and intervention.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Maine Department of Education offers an open-source instructional program for first grade classrooms that includes development in literacy and language. It incorporates research-based instructional practices. The program fosters student agency as learners and citizens, engages students in developmentally appropriate practices and encourages critical thinking on a range of topics.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The updated 2020 Maine Reading Standards “provides earning targets in developmental progressions for each grade K-5.”(Maine Department of Education). Reading Foundational skills are a part of the supporting materials to better implement the reading standards. 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Allowed, but not required.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments in reading, mathematics, science and social studies are required in grades K-12.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

School districts are required to provide interventions to students in grades K-12 to support them in meeting academic standards and requirements. Interventions must be timely and based on ongoing formative assessments and progress monitoring

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Maryland State Department of Education’s Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation singles out the need for interventions for struggling readers in grades K-3, among other things. $900 million of funding was allocated to the Blueprint this year.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The Ready to Read Act “requires local school systems to screen students in kindergarten for reading difficulties and to screen students in first grade who have not been screened or who are at-risk for reading difficulties. It also requires supplemental instruction to be provided to those students found to be at risk for reading difficulties. “ (Maryland State Board of Education)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening in reading must be administered by a district to students entering a school in kindergarten or first grade.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing intervention.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Enrollment in a reading assistance program.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Mass Literacy is a statewide program by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education that provides evidence-based literacy instruction to educators. This program helps ensure that all students receive the necessary skills for lifelong literacy. The instruction is culturally and linguistically sustaining, which supports the youngest students in developing strong literacy skills.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Starting in 2018, staff in the Department’s Office of Literacy and Humanities engaged educators and other stakeholders statewide to develop the Department’s Literacy Strategic Plan.This strategic plan, called Mass Literacy,  responds to the concerns of educators along with ELA/Literacy achievement data. As a result, it identifies two areas of focus for the Department’s instructional support for English Language Arts and Literacy: high-quality core instruction and evidence-based early literacy.” (Massachusetts, Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is committed to improving early literacy achievement by ensuring that students have access to high-quality instructional literacy materials that align with Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan Goal 2. MDE understands that selecting the right materials can be time-consuming, and to help teachers in this process, it provides guidance that helps narrow down the selection. By providing teachers with materials aligned with the Science of Reading, they can spend more time addressing the individual needs of their students.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed a law that requires schools to identify learners who are struggling with reading and writing and to provide additional help. The law states that third graders may repeat third grade if they are more than one grade level behind beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.” (State of Michigan)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening, formative, and diagnostic assessments in reading must be administered at least three times per year to K-3 students.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Diagnosing reading difficulties.

– Informing instruction and intervention needs.

– Assessing progress towards a growth target.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of Intervention:

– Additional instructional time during the school day.

– Students in third grade can receive:

– Daily small group instruction or 1-on-1 instruction.

– Parent-lead reading at home programs.

– Ongoing progress monitoring.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The 2021 Minnesota Statutes cover the literacy goal of seeking “to have every child reading at or above grade level no later than the end of grade 3, including English learners. It requires that teachers provide comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction.” It also says that “Reading assessments in English, and in the predominant languages of district students where practicable, must identify and evaluate students’ areas of academic need related to literacy. The district also must monitor the progress and provide reading instruction appropriate to the specific needs of English learners. The district must use a locally adopted, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive assessment and annually report summary assessment results to the commissioner by July 1. (Minnesota Legislature)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Allowed, but not required.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Locally determined reading assessments are required in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Reporting results to parents.

– Reporting results to the state department.

– Informing instruction and intervention.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Attendance in summer school.

– Intensified reading instruction that may require that the student be removed from the regular classroom for part of the school day.

– Extended-day programs.

– Programs that strengthen students’ cultural connections.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

According to a recent report from Boston University’s Wheelock Educational Policy Center, Mississippi’s test-based promotion law has led to higher English language arts (ELA) scores over time for students who were retained in the third grade, compared to their peers who narrowly made it past the cutoff score to be promoted.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“In 2013, Mississippi passed a law to use science-based instruction to ensure students read at or above grade level by the end of third grade.” (The Hechinger Report). The Literacy-Based Promotion Act (LBPA) “ensures a comprehensive approach to teaching all children to read starting as early as kindergarten. The true spirit of the law is to identify K-3 students who need additional help in reading as early as possible and to provide effective instruction and intervention to ensure they read on grade level by the end of third grade. In 2016, the law was amended to include individual reading plans for students identified with a reading deficiency, and a higher cut score was established for third-grade promotion.” (Excel in Ed). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening assessments are required in literacy and numeracy in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying reading deficiencies.

– Reporting to the state department of education.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Small group instruction.

– Reduced teacher-student ratios.

– Tutoring in scientifically research-based reading services in addition to the regular school day.

– The option of transition classes.

– Extended school day, week or year; and Summer reading camps.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has issued guidelines to local education agencies about the Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Program, which provides reimbursement for expenses related to evidence-based reading instruction materials, resources, and support services. The goal of this program is to enhance student literacy, promote the adoption of evidence-based literacy practices, and address learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Missouri still abides by the Reading Instruction Act, established in 2002. The bill was enacted to ensure that all public schools establish reading programs in kindergarten through third grade that are based in scientific research.These programs must include the essential components of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. All new teachers who teach reading in kindergarten through third grade must receive adequate training in these areas.” (Journal, IMSE.)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments must be administered by a district at the beginning of the school year to all third-grade students.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of the K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing reading improvement plans and instruction.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individual intervention plan.

– Summer reading program.

– Individual or group development activities.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Institute of Education Sciences has partnered with Montana public school districts to promote the use of data and evidence-based practices in literacy instruction. Through collaboration with the Montana Office of Public Instruction, districts are implementing differentiated literacy instruction to improve student achievement.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Montana enacted SB0140 in July of 2019, which is cited as the “Montana Dyslexia Screening and Intervention Act.The act addressed dyslexia in Montana by providing a definition of dyslexia and requiring school districts to screen students and address the needs of students identified with dyslexia. The screening instrument must be designed to assess developmentally appropriate phonological and phonemic awareness skills.”( Journal, IMSE). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Nebraska State Board of Education aims to improve early literacy for all students and ensure their success in reading and writing. They support local school districts in establishing policies that promote high-quality early literacy instruction based on the science of reading and highlight the importance of grade-level reading. This includes supporting “ strong core academic instruction, including explicit and systematic instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension”

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The NebraskaREADS initiative was created to serve the needs of students, educators, and parents along the journey to successful reading. The NebraskaREADS initiative supports the policies and practices outlined in the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act, which was enacted in 2018 and went into effect during the 2019-2020 school year. The law takes a comprehensive approach to improve the early literacy skills of Nebraska’s K-3 students. It emphasizes the importance of strong early reading instruction and individualized supports for students who are struggling.”(Nebraska Department of Education). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Nevada’s Office of Early Learning and Development has received a $30 million Federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Renewal Grant, which will be used over three years to enhance the state’s Early Childhood Care and Education System. This will be achieved by improving program quality through increased professional development and better integration of early childhood data for program evaluation and continuous quality improvement.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Nevada’s Grade 3 Reading laws, which were revised in 2019, require districts to create a literacy plan for elementary school students. At the school level, principals must identify a literacy strategist to assist other teachers with reading instruction, and teachers must complete state-mandated professional development around reading. If a student in kindergarten through third grade falls behind in reading, the district must notify parents, and districts must create a plan to monitor the students’ progress. The state had planned to phase in a retention requirement in the coming years, but 2019 revisions to the law eliminated that requirement.” (Third Grade Reading Laws). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed, but not required.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing reading interventions.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Small group reading sessions.

– Specific instruction based on reading deficiencies.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





New Hampshire

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

A new bill was introduced in the legislative house which establishes a reading assessment program in the New Hampshire Department of Education. It mandates reading deficiency assessments for kindergarten through Grade 3 students. Any student who exhibits significant reading deficiencies will receive immediate, intensive general education reading intervention, as identified through approved reading screeners, locally determined assessments, teacher observations, or statewide end-of-year assessments conducted in kindergarten through third grade.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

New Hampshire law states, “The student’s school district shall provide age-appropriate, evidence-based, intervention strategies for any student who is identified as having characteristics that are associated with potential indicators or risk factors of dyslexia and related disorders beginning no later than January 1, 2018.”In the event  that a diagnosis of dyslexia or other reading disability is confirmed by the comprehensive assessment, the board of education shall provide  appropriate evidence-based intervention strategies to the student, including  intense instruction on phonemic awareness, phonics and fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.” (National Center on Improving Literacy)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





New Jersey

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The New Jersey Department of Education has announced an opportunity for school districts serving students in kindergarten through grade three to receive three years of intensive coaching. The program will establish and implement a science-based early literacy instruction and intervention multi-tiered support system.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The most recent literacy policy of note that was passed in New Jersey was AB3606. This act stated that during each five-year, 100-hour professional development period, teachers are required to complete at least 20 hours of professional development instruction on the screening, intervention, accommodation, and use of technology for students with reading disabilities such as dyslexia.” (Journal, IMSE).

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed, local decision and policy.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





New Mexico

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed House Bill 481 into law this year, which requires school districts to align their literacy curriculum with more science-based practices. The bill incentivizes districts to purchase materials aligned with the science of reading, providing students throughout New Mexico with access to research-based literacy education to boost their success.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Senate Bill 398 was signed into law in 2019. It states that “ Every school district shall develop and implement a literacy professional development plan that includes a detailed framework for structured literacy training by a licensed and accredited or credentialed teacher preparation provider for all elementary school teachers and for training in evidence-based reading intervention for reading interventionists and special education teachers working with students demonstrating characteristics of dyslexia or diagnosed with dyslexia.” (54th Legislature, State of New Mexico)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed, local decision.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening and progress monitoring in reading, language arts and mathematics are required for grades kindergarten and one. Diagnostic tests in reading and language arts are required in grades two and three.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 Assessment date include:

– Inform, in part, grade placement determinations.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Tutoring.

– Extended day or week programs.

– Summer programs.

– Other research-based interventions and models for student improvement.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





New York

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Assembly Bill 2897 was introduced in the legislative house, which mandates that school districts offer evidence-based instructional programming and services in reading and literacy aligned with state standards. Additionally, teachers in grades K-3 must attend professional development courses in reading education.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

In 2022, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that elementary schools in the biggest district in the country would be required to adopt a phonics-based reading program. (Time). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Diagnostic screening in reading, mathematics, problem solving, motor development, articulation skills, and cognitive development are required of all new entrants to school and those with low test scores.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individualized instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





North Carolina

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

North Carolina public school students in early elementary grades demonstrated continued growth in their literacy skills during the current school year, as indicated by a key assessment administered in the middle of the year. The percentage of students in each grade, from kindergarten through third, performing at or above the benchmark score of the 2022-23 school year was higher than the results from the beginning of the school year, and also higher than the results from other states or districts using the same assessment.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Excellent Public Schools Act of 2021 modifies the implementation of read-to-achieve programs, including changes to reading instruction in North Carolina public elementary school classrooms, with the aim of improving literacy levels by the time students reach the third grade. Notably, the law transitions reading instruction away from a ‘look and say’ method to adopt a ‘Science of Reading’ approach based on phonetic practices of comprehension, and establishes an Early Literacy Program in the N.C. Department of Public Instruction to provide teacher training and support.The law means teacher licensing will include three continuing education credits directly related to literacy and based upon the science of reading method.” (The Carolina Journal). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Formative and diagnostic assessments in reading are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying student reading difficulties.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individual instruction.

– Tutoring, or mentoring that targets specific reading skills and abilities.

– Reading camp.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






North Dakota

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services is accepting Best in Class applications for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Best in Class program is a targeted state investment in programs committed to providing high-quality experiences for children and families. It is based on program characteristics that have been shown to drive results, such as high-quality interactions between adults and children, developmentally appropriate experiences, and play-based curriculum.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Science of Reading legislation passed by the North Dakota legislature in 2021. This legislation is intended to support the improvement of core reading instruction for students in kindergarten through third grade throughout North Dakota. The Science of Reading legislation requires schools and districts to use curriculum to provide reading instruction and correctly diagnose reading struggles. Specifically, K-3 educators and administrators must receive training in instructional practices that align with research that reveals the science of how the brain learns and engages in reading.” (North Dakota Department of Public Education). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Summer school.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

School leaders in Ohio can access the guide, “Implementing Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement: A Guide for School Leaders, Grades K-5,”, released earlier this year,  which provides support for the implementation of evidence-based practices to improve literacy achievement for students in kindergarten through Grade 5.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Bill 436 was signed into law in 2019 that requires the department, in collaboration with the Ohio Dyslexia Committee, to identify screening and intervention measures that evaluate the literacy skills of students using a multi-sensory structured literacy program.” (Ohio Department of Education). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Diagnostic assessments in reading, writing and mathematics are required in grades K-2. Diagnostic assessments in reading and writing must be administered in grade three.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Understanding student progress towards meeting learning standards.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Alternative or supplemental instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Oklahoma State Department of Education has prioritized early literacy, specifically for students in kindergarten through third grade. To improve literacy achievement at struggling schools in the state, the Office of Special Education Services is collaborating with multiple OSDE offices and grants to implement a tiered intervention framework based on a multi-tiered system of support. The framework includes three tiers of evidence-based interventions that will be provided to site personnel, who will implement the practices in their classrooms to benefit all students.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Teachers in Oklahoma “are now required to receive annual training for dyslexia awareness from a multi-sensory structured language training institute. “ (Journal, IMSE)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Screening instruments in reading are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying the need for intervention and additional instruction.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Additional instructional time.

– After school tutoring.

– Summer school programs.

– Student who have been retained

– Minimum of ninety minutes of daily uninterrupted time.

– Scientific-research-based reading instruction.

– Individualized instruction.

– Small group instruction.

– Reduced teacher-student ratio.

– Progress monitoring, tutoring or mentoring.

– Transition classes containing third and fourth grade students.

– Extended day/week/year programs, and summer school.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Oregon Department of Education has shared a preview draft of Oregon’s Early Literacy Framework, which has been informed by state literacy data, research, a national state scan of literacy frameworks, consultation from literacy researchers, conversation with practitioners and initial community input. One of the guiding principles of the framework is “Foundational Skills Matter”. It states “Literacy is not possible without foundational skills. Daily, systematic, and explicit instruction in foundational literacy skills lays essential groundwork to enable comprehension and meaning-making.”

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Oregon Legislature passed the Student Success Act in 2019, which was a historic investment in Oregon education.” It pledged $1 billion per year on initiatives that included early Learning. It required that the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission “establish the standards for the professional development of teachers. Schools must be able to demonstrate that candidates receive training in how to provide literacy instruction that enables all students to meet or exceed third-grade reading standards.” (Journal, IMSE). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Ongoing screening, progress monitoring and assessments can be administered to students in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Guiding instructional decisions.

– Informing instructional strategies for student groups.

– Supporting structured interaction with parents.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Pennsylvania Department of Education‘s mission is to provide a high-quality education system that prepares learners to succeed as productive citizens, with a focus on creating a culture of continuous improvement and equitable opportunities for all students. The department provides technical support, resources, and optimal learning environments to educators and learners of all ages. The department has curated a collection of evidence-based strategies to help educators make informed decisions and implement effective interventions, activities, and strategies tailored to their needs and local context.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

House Bill 2045 passed in 2022,  “which requires the state Department of Education to establish a teacher training course in the “science of reading,” starting next school year.It defines “science of reading” as evidence-based instructional and assessment practices that integrates listening, speaking, reading, spelling and writing in the development of oral and written language skills. The statewide literacy program would be voluntary for public schools to participate. Its purpose is to train educators on how to identify potential risk factors for early reading deficiencies and instruct them in how to differentiate instruction to improve reading outcomes.” (Penn Live)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Each school must design an assessment system for all students to determine the degree to which students are achieving academic standards.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Identifying and providing assistance to students who are not achieving proficiency on academic standards.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Not specified in statute or regulation.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





Rhode Island

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Rhode Island received a one-year $4 million Preschool Development Birth Through Age Five Planning Grant from the federal Administration for Children and Families to support planning and capacity-building activities in the early childhood sector.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The Rhode Island Right to Read Act was passed in July of 2019.  The law requires educators to exhibit either proficiency in or awareness of the knowledge and practices of the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy. In addition, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must provide professional learning for educators to support these requirements, and Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) must address these requirements within their programs of study.

The Science of Reading, or scientific reading instruction, is defined as empirically-based instruction that is grounded in the study of the relationship between cognitive science and educational outcomes. Structured Literacy is defined as an approach to teaching that integrates speaking, listening, reading, and writing by providing explicit, systematic, diagnostic-prescriptive instruction in phonological and phonemic awareness, sound-symbol correspondence (phonics), syllables, morphology, semantics, and syntax.” (Rhode Island Department of education)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Districts must develop an assessment plan to monitor and assess all students’ progress.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Inform teacher evaluations.

– Improving performance in the school district.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Supplemental instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





South Carolina

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The South Carolina General Assembly has introduced a bill that states that each elementary school must employ a reading/literacy coach who will serve as a consistent resource for professional development to improve reading and literacy instruction and student achievement. The reading coach will analyze student assessments, provide differentiated instruction and intensive intervention, and offer both initial and ongoing professional development to teachers.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The South Carolina Read to Succeed Act requires the  implementation of “ a comprehensive, systemic approach to reading which will ensure that classroom teachers use evidence-based reading instruction in prekindergarten through grade twelve, to include oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension; administer and interpret valid and reliable assessments; analyze data to inform reading instruction; and provide evidence-based interventions as needed so that all students develop proficiency with literacy skills and comprehension.” (South Carolina Legislature). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Formative assessments in English language arts and mathematics are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing and improving literacy instruction and planning at the school and district level.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individual or small group assistance.

– 30 minutes of additional reading and writing instruction.

– Summer reading camps.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





South Dakota

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“In 2018, South Dakota updated its State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy. The detailed plan focuses on the shared responsibility for students’ literacy development, focus and coherence in instruction and assessment, and formative and summative assessment among other things.

The standards break down the foundational skills of reading into four major components:

  • Print Concepts
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Phonics and Word Recognition

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of interventions:

– Scientifically-based literacy instruction.

– Educational and behavioral evaluations.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Tennessee Department of Education and the University of Tennessee System collaborated to open the Tennessee Reading Research Center, led by Professor Deborah Reed, former director of Iowa Reading Research Center. The center is part of Reading 360, a set of statewide initiatives to help Tennessee school districts, teachers, and families support students to read on grade level by third grade.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

In 2021, “The Tennessee General Assembly approved a $160 million package of bills, legislation aimed at tackling student learning loss during the pandemic, the state’s stagnant literacy rates and how schools will handle standardized testing after a year of academic disruptions. 

The new legislation lawmakers approved requires local school districts to use a phonics-based approach for teaching children to read. It also provides training and support for educators to teach phonics-based reading instruction.” (The Tennessean). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Response to Instruction and Intervention.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

TheTexas Elementary Literacy Program is a K-5 Open Educational Resource built on state standards and the Science of Reading, closely aligned with structured literacy concepts taught in the Texas Reading Academies. This program consists of two separate lessons per grade level: one focused on building strong foundational reading skills, and another that builds background knowledge and comprehension.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“House Bill 3, passed during the 86th Texas Legislature, established the requirement that all teacher candidates who teach students in grades Pre-K-6 demonstrate proficiency in the science of teaching reading on a new, standalone certification exam. This requirement took effect on January 1, 2021.” (Texas Education Agency)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is required with exemptions.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments are required in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Determining if students have reading difficulties or dyslexia.

– Informing parents of students’ reading skills and difficulties.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Before, after and nontraditional school time instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Early Assistance of Reading and Literacy in Youngsters Lab in the University of Utah Department of Educational Psychology, conducts research on early childhood development and education, particularly early language and literacy skills of at-risk children with social or economic disparities in Utah. The lab provides policy-related support and develops research-based information for the education of young children, including preschoolers and primary graders.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

Utah Senate Bill 127 was signed into law in 2022. “This bill amends and establishes programs to emphasize literacy in kindergarten through grade 3. This bill requires the state board to establish strategies and administer programs to improve early literacy outcomes in kindergarten through grade 3, including:providing statewide and regional support in literacy coaching and professional learning in early literacy; establishing a panel with expertise in the science of reading and the science of reading instruction.” (Utah Legislature)

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Benchmark assessments in reading are required in grades 1-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Reporting to parents.

– Determining if a student needs individualized intervention.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Individualized interventions.

– At home resources for parents to use to support reading skill development.

– Tutoring.

– Before and after school programs.

– Summer school.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“ Under Title 16:Education, the Vermont Statutes state that the State Board of Education, in collaboration with the Agency of Human Services, higher education, literacy organizations, and others, shall develop a plan for establishing a comprehensive system of services for early education in the first three grades to ensure that all students learn to read by the end of the third grade.A public school that offers instruction in grades one, two, or three shall provide highly effective, research-based reading instruction to all students. All students need to receive systematic reading instruction in the early grades from a teacher who is skilled in teaching reading through a variety of instructional strategies that take into account the different learning styles and language backgrounds of the students. “ (Vermont General Assembly). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Research-based reading instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The Virginia Department of Education’s Early Intervention Reading Initiative provides funding for school divisions to offer supplementary reading instruction to identified students. The initiative emphasizes the importance of practice with the foundational components of reading, including phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, as the main approach to improving reading ability for students who struggle.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

The Virginia Literacy Act was signed into law in 2022. It “makes several changes relating to early student literacy, including requiring (i) each education preparation program offered by a public institution of higher education or private institution of higher education or alternative certification program that provides training for any individual seeking initial licensure with an endorsement in a certain area, including as a reading specialist, to demonstrate mastery of science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction, as such terms are defined in the bill; (ii) the literacy assessment required of individuals seeking initial teacher licensure with endorsements in certain areas to include a rigorous test of science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction; (iii) each school board to establish a divisionwide literacy plan; and (iv) each local school board to provide a program of literacy instruction.” (Bill Track 50). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Standards of Learning or diagnostic assessments in reading must be administered in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Determining the need for reading intervention.

– Reporting to the state department of education.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention include:

– Special reading teachers.

– Trained aides.

– Volunteer tutors under the supervision of a certified teacher.

– Computer-based reading tutorial programs.

– Aides to instruct in-class groups while the teacher provides direct instruction to the students who need extra assistance.

– Extended instructional time in the school day or school year for these students.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

Washington State’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families is building upon the momentum of the Fair Start for Kids Act in the new legislative session that began in January. Their goal is to create a more integrated child care and early learning system for children from birth to age 8. This system will expand access and provide resources to support early learning providers, the workforce, children, and families.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

In 2018, Washington passed Senate Bill 6162 which defines dyslexia as a specific learning disability and requires early screening for dyslexia. The bill states that each school district and charter school must screen each student in kindergarten and first grade for indications of dyslexia.Each school district must also use evidence-based multitiered systems of support to students who display indications of dyslexia.It also called for the dissemination of research and information to schools about evidence-based reading programs and practices. (Journal, IMSE). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed, local decision.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments are required in grade 2..

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 Assessment data include:

– Informing parents, teachers, and school administrators on the level of oral reading accuracy and fluency skills for each student.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Superintendents are required to develop a list of intervention strategies to support student reading skills and provide that list of interventions to the state department of education.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 





West Virginia

Evidence-based Early Literacy Update

The West Virginia Department of Education has launched an initiative called Ready, Read, Write, West Virginia to enhance literacy proficiency for all students based on the science of reading. The program aims to increase reading skills of students by utilizing effective reading instruction. The initiative emphasizes the collective efforts of educators, families, businesses, agency partners, and others to promote reading proficiency among children.

Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“The West Virginia Leaders of Literacy: Campaign for Grade-Level Reading  works with all 55 counties to close the literacy gap by the end of third grade.

It focuses on four components to help improve literacy rates:

  • School Readiness
  • Attendance
  • Extended Learning
  • High-Quality Instruction

 The instruction involves immersion in a literacy-rich environment to develop awareness and understanding of reading and writing.” (Journal, IMSE). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 

Retention is allowed based on a teacher recommendation.

Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Assessments beyond federally required third grade assessments are not specified in state statute.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Not specified in state statute.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Before, during and after school instruction.

– Summer instruction.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Under current law, school boards and independent charter schools must

annually assess pupils enrolled in four-year-old kindergarten to second grade for

reading readiness using an assessment of literacy fundamentals selected by the

school board or independent charter school. The selected reading readiness

assessment must evaluate whether a pupil possesses phonemic awareness and letter

sound knowledge. “ (Wisconsin State Legislature). 

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments are required in grades K-2.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 Assessment data include:

– Informing parents of student reading difficulties.

– Informing and determining if students need additional instruction and intervention..

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Types of intervention:

– Scientifically-based, individualized reading interventions in areas of deficiency.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 






Are there any laws about evidence-based literacy instruction?

“Wyoming introduced an act in 2019 (HB297) that states each school district must select and implement a reading assessment and intervention program that uses an instrument that screens for signs of dyslexia. 

This program must be administered to all students in kindergarten through grade three. In order to best assist the school district, the department of education will collect kindergarten through grade two longitudinal data from assessments. These assessments will measure the specific skills that evidence-based research has concluded are predictive of reading proficiency, which include:

  • Phonological awareness
  • Phonics
  • Decoding words and non-words
  • Oral reading fluency
  • Reading comprehension” (Journal, IMSE).

Is the state connecting birth-to-age-5 data with K-3? 


Is there a Grade 3 Retention Law? 


Beyond the federally required Grade 3 assessments, what other assessments are required in grades K-3?

Reading assessments are required in grades K-3.

What are the required uses of assessment data in statute?

Required uses of K-3 assessment data include:

– Informing intervention programs.

– Identifying signs of dyslexia and other reading difficulties.

What interventions are available for students in grades K-3?

Type of intervention:

– Individualized reading program.

Is there mandated dyslexia screening? 


The Interactive Map of Holistic Learning in Canada [Updated for 2023-2024 Education Budgets]

Sprig Learning creates holistic early literacy and numeracy programs for preschools, kindergarten and the early elementary grades. Given that holistic early learning is Sprig’s speciality, it’s useful to look at the early learning landscape across the world, but more particularly in North America, and particularly in Canada, where Sprig is based. 

It’s important to create resources that support all those in early childhood education. Holistic learning is not a new concept, but it has re-emerged in recent years to be a major driving force in innovating the early years education system.

This interactive map of Canada will be regularly updated to show how a specific vision, policy, or framework aligns to the principles of holistic learning, in different parts of the country.

Click on your province/territory to understand what efforts are underway to implement holistic education for students in their early years.



42 Key Figures Today in Early Childhood Education in North America

Sprig Learning is indebted to all educators who continuously think about ways to improve the quality of education in preschools, kindergartens and elementary schools. 

It is great motivation for continued innovation in the holistic approach to lifelong learning and creating evidence-based platforms that will improve early academic outcomes. 

Early childhood education (ECE) has come a long way. Many important thinkers have left their imprint on how to educate children. 

This article is being updated to double the number of key early childhood education influencers who are leaving their mark, from 21 key figures to 42 key figures.

These 42 people have made a difference in ECE and continue to do so.

Five themes of influencers can be identified. 

From the last time this article was published, two new categories of influencers have emerged: organization influencers and structured literacy influencers. 

We comment on the five themes and then cover the 42 figures. 

Each personality brings something different to the table. 


The Five Themes of Influencers

5 Themes of Early Childhood Education Influencers


Resource Focus

These influencers fill a specific need in the market for educational materials which offers lots of room for innovation. In almost all of the cases they are educators, using their years of experience in teaching to speak to fellow educators. Educators tend to rely on each other for creative early learning materials and resources, which have stood the test of time and delivered results. 

The influencers tend to support their websites with a strong social media presence, which act as great vehicles to reach more like-minded individuals interested in bettering early learning in classrooms. 


Knowledge Focus

These influencers take a more academic approach to bringing forth new ideas and theories that can be applied to education. In almost all of the cases, they hold a teaching position in universities or colleges, where they do research on early childhood education.

Such influencers publish books or papers to impact early learning. Their social media reach is not comparable to the more traditional active early learning educators who operate businesses, but they do generate good publicity from book releases and presenting at conferences. 


Activism Focus

These influencers are relatively low in number compared to the commercial and knowledge influencers. They dabble in a bit of both where they teach young students currently, but don’t really have websites promoting any products or displaying original research.

But they do hold influence, because they are agents of change. They notice trends in early childhood education and fight for their viewpoints to be heard in the public dialogue about how to best educate early learners. 


Structured Literacy Focus

These influencers can be described as a subcategory of knowledge focused influencers. They too produce new knowledge that can be applied to ECE, but particularly on the topic of evidence-based structured literacy. 

Literacy equity has emerged as a top issue in ECE, thus Sprig is committed to advancing the cause towards achieving literacy for all and promoting those figures who have been the vanguard of the movement. 


Organization Focus

These influencers are leaders of organizations. Both individuals and organizations are powerful when it comes to wielding influence in early learning. While educators, professors and activists can garner a big name by filling a gap that exists for resources, knowledge and change, there are influential organizations that are  led by individuals as well. 

There is another category of influencers, notably those who head current institutions that have made a significant impact on early childhood education in North America.


Key Early Learning Influencers in North America

Key Early Learning Influencers in North America


Resource Focused Influencers


Anya Garcia

Anya is an attorney by training, and the founder of Montessori From the Heart in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. She is an author and an educational coach. 

Contribution: She helps educators and parents use the Montessori path to unlock the early learner’s fullest potential. Her work talks about the value of intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation in sparking the learning curiosity of every child.


Caley O’Connor Nunnally

Caley is a speech language pathologist at Aveanna Healthcare in Richmond, Virginia. She is also a part-time therapist providing speech and language services to a local preschool. 

Contribution: She runs Learn With Chatterboxes where she offers tips for play-based learning for enhancing language development. Her work involves educating the parent on how to educate their child, in what is a whole-family approach. 


Deanna Jump

Deanna is a Florida-based, award-winning kindergarten teacher who runs two popular blogs that contain resources and advice for other ECE educators. Namely: Mrs. Jump’s Class and Get Your Teach On.

Contribution: She is an early literacy and reading specialist who was the #1 seller on TeachersPayTeachers.com, a website where educators buy and sell original teaching materials. Her vast archive of learning materials covers creative ideas such as stage play, where items can be set up to explore a thematic lesson. Her resources are also organized into a curriculum making them very easy to use. 


Deborah J. Stewart

Deborah is a preschool teacher and the owner of Teach Preschool Children’s Studio in Noblesville, Indiana. 

Contribution: She connects preschool teachers to resources in her blog Teach Preschool, which is based on the interactions and observations of her students at the Teach Preschool Children’s Studio. She is an advocate of fostering the love of learning in young students by giving them the confidence to try learning for themselves.


Ellen Galinsky

Ellen is an early education consultant, author and the founder and executive director of Mind In the Making.

Contribution: She reviewed more than 2,000 studies and conducted extensive interviews with leading researchers who study children’s development and learning. Her life’s work focuses on identifying critical emerging societal questions, from which she developed a framework of the 7 Essential Life Skills every child needs.


Holly Homer

Holly is an experienced blogger, marketer and speaker from Dallas, Texas. She runs the website KidsActivities.com and the Facebook page Quirky Momma. 

Contribution: She has many innovative learning resources on her website that cover specific event themes and subjects such as science and history. She recommends activities for children at all stages of their development, from babies to elementary school students and beyond. 


Jackie Currie

Jackie is the owner and founder of Happy Hooligans based out of Ontario, Canada. She writes about her creative daycare ideas that are successful in engaging early learners. 

Contribution: Jackie’s blog is an international resource for kid’s art, craft and play ideas. She is a big believer in creating a strong support network for early childhood carers, who play a very important role just as teachers and parents do. She also runs a Facebook group that provides inspiration and support to ECE professionals. 


Jamie Reimer

Jamie is a blogger and stay at home mom. She runs the website Hands On As We Grow® that teaches parents to do hands-on activities with kids.

Contribution: Activities are sorted by age on Hands On As We Grow® and there is a particular focus on gross and fine-motor skills. Using her experience in teaching her three young boys, she recommends many useful hands-on activities that can be used as learning opportunities. 


Marsha McGuire

Marsha is a kindergarten teacher and author at Differentiated Kindergarten. Differentiated Kindergarten commits to the creation of differentiated classrooms for early learners. 

Contribution: It’s Marsha’s goal to meet the needs of her students through fun and developmentally appropriate activities. She is a big supporter of differentiated instruction for early learners. 


Karen Cox

Karen is the owner at PreKinders.com in Albany, Georgia, a blog she founded to share ideas with her fellow PreK educators. 

Contribution: She believes in classroom-tested lessons. Her website has tons of teaching advice for preschool and kindergarten teachers who have a tight budget to pick the right resources. 


Kristin Yann

Kristin is a math-intervention teacher and a literacy coach at Fulton County Schools in Atlanta, Georgia. She runs the blog School and the City where she shares advice with fellow early education educators. 

Contribution: She is a big proponent of personalized learning. There are great choice boards in the School and the City which are her preferred methods of assessments. She has developed such choice boards that allow students to showcase their unique talents. 


Susan Stacey

Susan is an author, educator and early education consultant based in Halifax, Canada. She wrote the very popular books Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings, and later, Unscripted: Emergent Curriculum in Action.

Contribution: Susan is a proponent of exploring emergency curriculum and inquiry-based practices. She believes that a dynamic curriculum emerges out of collaboration between teachers and students. 


Sheryl Cooper

Sheryl, based out of Portland, Oregon, is an early childhood educator and owner of the website Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds.

Contribution: She lists preschool literacy activities on her website to make learning fun and meaningful for young children. She is a big supporter of play-based learning, which features heavily in her lesson plans for toddlers and preschoolers. 


Knowledge Focused Influencers


Dr. Janet N. Mort

Dr.  Mort is an internationally acclaimed innovative literacy expert, author and former superintendent. Upon retirement, she obtained a PhD in language and literacy and developed her Joyful Literacy Interventions program, which has been successful in improving the reading skills of countless young students and is now available digitally via Sprig Reading.

Contribution: She has facilitated and spoken at educational summits, authored multiple groundbreaking books on literacy interventions, and provided mentorship and professional development to teachers in Canada and internationally.


Dr. John Nimmo

Dr. Nimmo is an associate professor of early childhood education at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. He is an acclaimed scholar and author in this field, having presented his work in several renowned institutions. 

Contribution: His publications include Loris Malaguzzi and the Teachers, Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs and Emergent Curriculum with many distinguished co-authors. He is very passionate about recognizing and mitigating bias in the early years. 


Dr. Marie Battiste

Dr. Battiste is an author and educator, and a member of the Potlotek First Nation in Nova Scotia. She has authored many books such as Decolonizing Education: Nourishing the Learning Spirit and received numerous awards for her work in Indigenous education in Canada.

Contribution: Her lifelong work centers on the revitalization of certain Indigenous languages and promoting postcolonial educational approaches that better reflect the cultural diversity of Canada.


Dr. Miriam Beloglovsky

Dr. Beloglovsky is a professor of early childhood education at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento, California. She is the founder and CEO of Playful Transformation, and co-author of the award-winning Loose Parts Inspiring Play book series.

Contribution: It’s Miriam’s mission to enhance play opportunities for young children and educators. Her work shows how play can be transformational in building a more equitable society.


Dr. Pamela Toulouse

Dr. Toulouse is an education consultant, prolific researcher and former professor of education at Laurentian University, in Sudbury, Ontario. Originally from the Sagamok First Nation, she is an advocate for education equity.

Contribution: She is known for her work on the Indigenous approach to quality learning environments and the role of education in truth and reconciliation in Canada.  She has authored many important papers on inclusive education, assessments, differentiated instruction and Indigenous education in the realm of early learning.


Dr. Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

Dr. Golnikoff is a professor and scientist who leads the Child’s Play, Learning, and Development laboratory at the University of Delaware. Her work at the intersection of education and psychology has garnered many awards from various learning institutions. 

Contribution: She has written papers on language development, the benefits of playful learning, the effects of media on children, and early spatial development. Her primary goal is to raise awareness on the importance of language development for children’s academic, social, and occupational success.  


Activism Focused Influencers


Ann Pelo

Ann is a Seattle-based educator, program consultant, and author whose work focuses on reflective pedagogical practice, ecological teaching and mentoring. 

Contribution: She is the author of several books including the first edition of The Language of Art and co-author of That’s Not Fair: A Teacher’s Guide to Activism with Young Children. She is an advocate of fostering an ecological identity in young learners. 


Tom Hobson

Tom is a preschool teacher, author and blogger in Seattle, Washington, who runs the popular website Teacher Tom’s World. 

Contribution: Tom is a leading proponent of progressive play-based curriculum and supporting public policies that focus on the whole child. He shares his play-based pedagogy through online e-courses.


Structured Literacy Focused Influencers


Dr. Maryanne Wolf

Dr. Wolf is the Director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at UCLA. She is also the author of “Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain”, a seminal work in the field of cognitive neuroscience of reading.

Contribution: She has advocated for systematic, explicit, and evidence-based literacy instruction, particularly for children with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. She has emphasized the importance of addressing individual differences in learning.


Dr. David Kilpatrick

Dr. Kilpatrick is the author of “Equipped for Reading Success” and expert in reading assessment and instruction. He has conducted extensive research on reading and dyslexia and is a sought-after speaker on these topics.

Contribution: He has worked on establishing the importance of phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency instruction in his work. He has advocated for a structured literacy approach to reading instruction that is tailored to the needs of individual learners.


Dr. Mark Seidenberg

Dr. Seidenberg is the author of “Language at the Speed of Sight” and an expert in the cognitive science of reading. He is a member of the National Academy of Education and has received numerous awards for his contributions to the field of reading science.

Contribution:He has stressed the need for understanding the cognitive and neural processes underlying reading and language. He has advocated for a structured literacy approach that is grounded in scientific evidence and is appropriate for all learners.


Dr. Susan Neuman

Dr. Neuman is an early literacy expert and Professor of Childhood and Literacy Education at NYU. She has served as a consultant to Sesame Street and has written over 100 articles and authored or co-authored 15 books on early literacy.

Contribution: She has worked to improve literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children and has emphasized the importance of explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. She has also championed the use of authentic literature to engage children in reading.


Dr. Linda Siegel 

Dr. Siegel is the author of “Understanding Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities” and an expert in reading and language disabilities. She has received numerous awards for her research on reading and language disabilities and has served as an expert witness in legal cases involving dyslexia.

Contribution: She has conducted extensive research on dyslexia and reading disabilities and has emphasized the need for structured literacy instruction that addresses the specific needs of struggling readers. She has also advocated for early identification and intervention.


Dr. Sally Shaywitz

Dr. Shaywitz is a co-Director of the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity and author of “Overcoming Dyslexia”. She is a neurologist and has conducted extensive research on the neural basis of reading, which has led to significant advances in understanding and treating dyslexia.

Contribution: She has been a leading advocate for early identification and evidence-based intervention for children with dyslexia, and has emphasized the importance of structured literacy instruction that is tailored to the needs of individual learners. She has also supported the building of self-esteem and motivation in the quest towards literacy. 


Dr. Reid Lyon

Dr. Reid Lyon is the former Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and expert in reading development and disabilities. He has served as an advisor to multiple U.S. Presidents and has played a key role in shaping national policies on reading instruction and research.

Contribution: He has conducted extensive research on reading development and disabilities, and has been a strong advocate for evidence-based literacy instruction that is tailored to the needs of individual learners. He has also stressed the importance of building oral language skills.


Dr. Susan Hall

Dr. Hall is the Co-founder of the 95 Percent Group Inc. and expert in literacy instruction. She has developed numerous evidence-based literacy programs and materials that are widely used in schools across the country.

Contribution: She has developed evidence-based instructional materials and strategies for teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension, and has been a strong advocate for structured literacy instruction. She has also spoken on the importance of addressing students’ emotional needs.


Dr. Timothy Shanahan

Dr. Shanahan is the Former Director of Reading for the Chicago Public Schools and expert in literacy instruction and policy. He has written over 200 publications on literacy instruction and policy, and is a recipient of the William S. Gray Citation of Merit from the International Literacy Association.

Contribution: He has put a spotlight on the importance of evidence-based instruction and has advocated for a balanced approach to literacy instruction that includes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. He has also worked to bridge the gap between research and practice.


Dr. Elfrieda Hiebert 

Dr. Hiebert is the Founder of TextProject Inc. and expert in vocabulary and reading comprehension. She has developed several widely-used measures of reading ability and is a leading expert on the role of vocabulary in reading comprehension.

Contribution: She has developed research-based instructional materials and strategies for vocabulary and comprehension instruction, and has emphasized the importance of a structured literacy approach to reading instruction that is appropriate for all learners. She has also advocated for building background knowledge.


Organization Focused Influencers


Ron Spreeuwenberg

An engineer by trade, Ron is the founder of HiMama in Toronto, Ontario. HiMama is a childcare app that helps childcare programs and parents share and record important childcare activities.

Contribution: He loves designing and creating new businesses that have a positive social impact. He also hosts The Preschool Podcast, where he interviews early childhood education experts to bring more light to the industry. 


Brenda Potter

Brenda is the Director of the Center of Early Learning Professionals at Warwick, Rhode Island. The Center is operated by Education Development Center (EDC), a global nonprofit organization. EDC is known for supporting the work of early childhood professionals in the US.

Contribution: Brenda is an expert on early education and childhood development. She and her team have supported thousands of administrators and educators to create preK-Grade 3 systems and improve early science, mathematics, and literacy learning. 


Diana Rauner

Dr. Rauner is the president of Start Early, a public-private partnership for the advancement of quality early learning and care for families with children in their early formative years. It is the parent organization of the First Five Years Fund, an advocacy group that aims to be a harbinger of equity in education for all children from birth through age five.

Contribution: Dr. Rauner leads efforts to develop center-based and home-based programs and services for children and families, provide professional development tools to scale best practices within the field, and innovate new solutions for continuous quality improvement.


Don Giesbrecht

Don is the CEO of the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF), which is a community of professionals and practitioners in early learning advocating for affordable, accessible, high-quality child care and education for all Canadian children. 

Contribution: Don is motivated by the need for advocacy for the importance of quality early learning and child care (ELCC) to Canada’s federal government. He is a big believer in influencing positive systemic change. The CCCF develops models, standards and guidelines for quality ELCC, professional development and organizational design.


Judy Braus

Judy is the executive director at the Natural Start Alliance, which promotes hands-on experiences in early education that connects young learners with nature and the local environment. 

Contribution: Judy has led Natural Start Alliance’s efforts in building a foundation for lifelong environmental literacy. She has been a strong advocate of using school grounds for outdoor classroom spaces during the pandemic. She has always promoted the expertise of environmental educators in teaching young students.


Linda Darling-Hammond

Dr. Darling-Hammond is the president and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute and the Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University. The Learning Policy Institute conducts high quality independent research seeking to improve education policy and practice.

Contribution: Her work focuses on achieving equitable and empowering education for all children through a focus on meaningful learning, educator quality, and sufficient resources. On early childhood education, the Learning Policy Institute recommends actions to ensure that all children have access to the early learning experiences they need to succeed.


Mike DeGagne

Mike is the president and CEO of Indspire, Canada’s largest Indigenous charity, supporting Indigenous students, education, and excellence.

Contribution: Mike’s lifelong work is in Indigenous health and education. His objective is to ensure that every Indigenous student graduates school within a generation. He uses his federal program management experience to spearhead Indispire’s mission to educate, connect, and invest in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students so they will achieve their highest potential.


Rebecca Moskowitz

Rebecca is the Executive Director of Advancement of Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA). The principles of Waldorf education address the needs of the growing child, what can be best described as holistic learning

Contribution: Rebecca represents Waldorf education to the broader community. An educator herself for over two decades, she has great insights regarding diversity and inclusion. Waldorf students cultivate their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be of service to the world. 


Rhian Evans Allvin

Rhian is the CEO of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age eight, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. 

Contribution: Under Rhian’s leadership, NAEYC has streamlined the early childhood program accreditation system and developed a unifying framework to create an aligned professional field of practice for early childhood educators. She will leave a strong legacy behind, as she announced her planned departure earlier this year. 


Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

Dr. Wilson is president & CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), which has a mission of ensuring every child a healthy, safe, and fair start to life as they transition to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. 

Contribution: Dr. Wilson brings his progressive experience and transformational leadership in social sector missions for uplifting the community to the CDF. The CDF works to ensure the rights of all children, so they receive the proper education they need and are not neglected by the system. 


Yasmina Vinci

Yasmina is the executive director of the National Head Start Association(NHSA). NHSA is the voice for more than 1 million children, 275,000 staff members, and 1,600 grant recipients in the US. Its mission is to ensure that every child has access to high-quality early education despite their situation. 

Contribution: Yasmina has a great deal of experience in both executive and policy roles and has impacted early childhood education at the national, state and local levels as a consultant and an advisor. She has defended the values of the Head Start program and early education in general, on multiple interviews such as this one. 

Steven Barnett

Dr. Barnett is the founder and co-director of the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers University. The NIEER provides nonpartisan independent research-based analysis and technical assistance to inform and support policy on high-quality education for early learners.

Contribution: NIEER encourages policies and practices promoting the physical, cognitive and social-emotional development of children. Apart from leading NIEER, Dr. Barnett has authored over 200 publications on topics such as the economics of early care and education and the long-term effects of preschool programs on children’s learning and development.


Key Learnings & Continuation of Series

Key Learnings and Continuation of Series

Studying the teaching expertise, philosophies and research areas of active early learning educators, professors and scientists alike, there are some recurring subjects.

  • Play-based learning.
  • Activity-based learning.
  • Learning that is focused on the community.
  • Learning that is focused on scholarly evidence.
  • Supporting educators with resources that help instill skills and concepts.


Sprig’s holistic approach supports evidence-based learning practices that can be done in the classroom, in one’s home and in the greater community. To learn more about the type of resources that are available for such holistic programs, visit our Sprig Store.

The research from these leading early learning key figures and organizations point to the need for inclusive education that focuses not only on academic development, but other types of development as well, such as physical, emotional, and even spiritual. 

It further supports attaining such growth by focusing more on teaching the basic aspects of core subjects, that is, creating a solid foundation. 

This series on key figures of early childhood education is by no means exhaustive. There are many other key individuals Sprig hopes to capture in a future update, or by publishing a part two of the blog. 

Stay tuned and thank you for your interest in improving high-quality early childhood education.