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Helping Every Early Learner Make Progress in Early Literacy- Individualized Education Programs.

The importance of evidence-based core instruction and research-driven assessments cannot be overstated, especially given that they have not always been the topmost priorities in education. The same holds true for monitoring student progress and providing early interventions. 

Every student learns differently, and at their own pace. Thus, by raising the quality of education for all, the goal is to meet each student where they are, while simultaneously ensuring systems are in place to provide timely support.

As every student is different, there is a special place in our hearts for those students with learning difficulties or disabilities .

Probably more than anyone else, these students require additional support to succeed in early literacy, making it essential to dedicate increased attention to their unique needs.

This article goes over the nature of Individualized Education Plans (IEP), their prevalence in education, the systems that exist to support them, and how best to optimize educational systems in order to serve students with learning difficulties or disabilities.

What is an Individualized Educational Program/ Individual Education Plan?

What is an Individualized Educational Program: Individual Education Plan?

In the US, every public school student receiving additional education services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a personalized plan tailored to their unique needs. 

The IEP brings together teachers, parents, administrators, specialists, and, when appropriate, the student, ensuring a collaborative approach to improving educational outcomes for children with learning difficulties or disabilities.

 These individuals combine their knowledge, experience, and dedication to create an IEP that supports the student’s engagement and progress in the general curriculum. The IEP serves as a roadmap for delivering individualized education services and support.

 In Canada, the IEP goes by different names depending on the province. In Ontario, for example, it’s called an Individual Education Plan, maintaining the same acronym.

An Individual Education Plan is a written document outlining the accommodations and services a school board will provide to support a student. It is based on a comprehensive assessment of the student’s strengths, needs, and learning abilities.

Many students need additional support beyond regular instruction and assessment to reach their full potential. Ensuring their needs are met in the educational setting gives them the best chance of success. 

Understanding the scale of these needs is crucial for building the capacity to support all students effectively.

What Percentage of Students Need an IEP?

What Percentage of Students Need an IEP?

The U.S. Department of Education maintains data on students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The percentage of IDEA-eligible students ages 3-21 in public schools has steadily risen, from 14.1% in 2019 to 15.2% in 2023. 

Notably, children aged 3-5 who are not in kindergarten yet, saw a faster growth rate than those students in Kindergarten through age 21, 13.6% vs. 3% in 2021.

Canada is also seeing similar trends. For example in Ontario, the proportion of students with IEPs has steadily increased over time, surpassing 15% of all students a decade ago. 

The education system must address the needs of all students, and early identification of individualized needs is a positive step toward providing the right support. By tailoring educational experiences, we create more inclusive and effective learning environments.

 However, this also requires significant effort from everyone involved. To provide the best early support, it’s crucial to understand the unique challenges a child faces.


In the 2022-2023 school year, the most common areas of support for IDEA-eligible children aged 3 to 5 were:

  • Developmental Delay: 45%
  • Speech/Language Impairment: 33%
  • Autism: 15%


With nearly 80% of students on an IEP experiencing developmental delays or speech/language impairments, gaining a deeper understanding of their unique needs will empower the education system to provide more tailored and effective support.

 Thus it is vital to intervene as early as possible. Even with certain types of reading difficulties such as dyslexia, students can make significant progress! It’s possible for all students with dyslexia to improve their reading. They can be helped in every step of the way.


Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and IEPs. Two Available Support Systems.

How MTSS Supports Special Education (1)

MTSS is a tiered framework that provides a structured approach to delivering interventions to students. It does so by controlling the instruction group size, that is, whole class, small group or individuals. Improving tiered instruction in early literacy using frameworks like MTSS and RtI (Response to Intervention) has been previously covered by Sprig Learning. 

 It’s very reassuring to know that such tiered frameworks attempt to cover every single student in the classroom, which would also include any student with learning difficulties or disabilities. 

 But most MTSS models used by schools say that 5% of students in the classroom need tier 3 support, which are intensive interventions designed for individual students. 

 In the previous section, we saw that up to 15 % and more students require IEPs . Thus, MTSS cannot replace IEPs, but can definitely support it. 

To further emphasize this distinctiveness, an IEP does not automatically indicate that a student requires Tier 3 intervention in MTSS. Nor is Tier 3 exclusive to students with IEPs. Instead, Tier 3 is available to any student who needs this level of individualized and intensive instruction.

But yes, the MTSS is very valuable in supporting any students with learning difficulties.

 MTSS offers an early identification system for at-risk students through assessments. For students who may face challenges in the IEP referral process, which can be stressful and overwhelming, MTSS can quickly provide the necessary support. 

 This approach not only addresses immediate needs but also strengthens the case for eventual referral for an IEP, as a part of comprehensive evaluation procedures. 

MTSS also ensures that these students have access to the core curriculum and intervention support. Students with IEPs can receive tailored instruction and resources based on their needs in academics, social-emotional skills, or behavior, supervised by Special education staff.

Are There Enough Special Education Teachers?



Are There Enough Special Education Teachers?

For the 2024-25 school year, 72% of public schools with special education teacher vacancies reported difficulties in filling these positions, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

In Canada, 94% of elementary schools have a special education teacher, either full or part-time. This marks a decline from 2019/20, when 100% of elementary secondary schools reported having special education teachers.

 These numbers indicate that there could be a shortage of special education teachers in the years to come. Policymakers must ensure sufficient resources, both personnel and tools,are available to support those who need them most.


How to Help Students with Learning Difficulties?

How Sprig Reading Helps Both MTSS and Special Education (1)

A Widely Adopted and Well-functioning MTSS/ RtI Framework

While an MTSS system cannot replace special education programs, it is well placed to provide help to  those students who need it more than others. 

Special education law mandates that students be placed in the least restrictive environment, meaning many students with IEPs spend most of their day in general education settings. In such a setting, MTSS can provide valuable resources and support, appropriately benefiting all learners. 

 Assessments can help measure proficiency and identify needs, and thus MTSS can help educators tailor resources to the specific needs of all students, including those who have IEPs! No one is excluded in such a system.

Reliable Progress Monitoring

Regardless of placement based on an assessment, it is so important that all students, and especially students with IEPs, receive regular progress monitoring

 For MTSS, the organization The Ability Challenge recommends “regular 6-8 weeks cycles for assessment and data collection to inform interventions and progress”. For Special Education, it recommends “regular assessment and data collection”, the frequency of which is determined by IEP, to “monitor progress towards IEP goals.”

In either case, leaving it to benchmark assessments for data at certain times of the year will not suffice. Rather, an ongoing progress monitoring approach is needed. Sprig Reading is purposefully designed  to provide teachers with quick and intuitive progress monitoring, so every foundational reading skill can be monitored for all students.

    Integration and Collaboration between Tiered Systems of Support and Special Education

    Comprehensive student support is only possible with the integration of data from both frameworks, providing a complete view of the student for informed decision-making. 

    Regular communication between systems like MTSS/RtI and special education also helps to create a unified and uninterrupted approach to student support. 

    Effective collaboration among all members of the early literacy team is essential. To this effect, Sprig Reading allows multiple members of the teaching staff to create accounts, whereby they can collaborate on the early literacy success of their students.


      Helping Every Child Make Progress.

      Helping Every Child Make Progress.

      Schools can and must take a preventative and proactive approach when it comes to providing support to students. 

      But for students who face greater challenges from the start, everyone must also work within those realities to support their reading progress and help them reach their full potential. 

       This article highlights the essential role of IEPs for students with learning difficulties and how other frameworks and tools can provide a helping hand. If you found this information helpful, subscribe to our monthly newsletter for more insights, expert blogs, and the latest in early literacy.

      Frequently track and monitor reading progress for every student.

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Improving Tiered Instruction in Early Literacy Through Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI)

      Tiered instruction frameworks have become a cornerstone in addressing diverse student needs in early literacy. 

      Two widely used models, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI), provide structured approaches to delivering interventions and improving literacy outcomes. 

      In a 2023 survey featured on Education Week, 60% of participating districts and schools said that they had well established MTSS systems or were in the beginning phases of implementing. 

      Another 36% said that they were currently in the midst of rolling out such a system, indicating the framework’s soaring popularity in recent years. 

      Literacy was the biggest focus of the framework, beating out other types of interventions, such as math, behavior, attendance and social-emotional learning. 

      RtI is very popular itself, with another survey indicating that approximately 70% of school districts with elementary schools implement them, primarily for literacy.

      With tiered instruction widely embraced in early literacy, this blog breaks down its key aspects. 

      It clarifies the difference between tiered and differentiated instruction, explores the relationship between MTSS and RtI, and unpacks the three-tiered pyramid structure of these models. 

      Finally, it covers the evidence-based for these frameworks, before going into actionable strategies at each tier.

      Understanding Tiered Instruction and Differentiated Instruction

      Understanding Tiered Instruction and Differentiated Instruction

      Tiered instruction adjusts the instructional approach based on group size.

      Tiered instruction includes whole-class instruction for all students, small-group support for those at risk, and individualized instruction for students with ongoing challenges. Each tier serves a distinct purpose and looks very different in practice.

      Differentiated instruction on the other hand, consists of varying the instruction by either content, process, assessment or learning environment. 

      It’s a topic covered extensively by Sprig Learning because of its large scope, and because of the many ways instruction can be differentiated to meet diverse student needs.

      Differentiated instruction is not restricted to any particular tier in tiered instruction. Instruction can be differentiated at any tier.

      Tiered instruction can be thought of as only one example of differentiated instruction, where differentiation occurs by varying the group size in which students are taught.

      Deciphering the Relationship Between MTSS and RtI Frameworks.

      Deciphering the Relationship Between MTSS and RtI Frameworks.<br />

      Both the MTSS and RtI frameworks share a three-tiered structure and a commitment to continuous progress monitoring and data-informed practices.

      MTSS is a comprehensive framework that integrates academic, behavioral, and social-emotional supports to ensure all students succeed. 

      It emphasizes proactive and preventive measures, data-driven decision-making, and collaboration among educators.

      RtI, often considered a subset of MTSS, focuses primarily on academic interventions. 

      It identifies struggling students early and provides increasingly intensive support to meet their needs.

      So at first glance, MTSS and RtI are very similar with MTSS encompassing RtI and extending beyond it, making MTSS the more comprehensive framework. 

      However, choosing a specific approach matters for schools, which is why we examine the tiers that are associated with the two frameworks.


      What are the Different Tiers in MTSS and RtI?

      What are the Different Tiers in MTSS and RtI?

      In MTSS, schools typically implement three tiers for academic support, with parallel tiers available for behavior:

      Tier 1

      Research-based core instruction provided to all students, emphasizing prevention and early intervention.

      Tier 2

      Targeted interventions for students at risk, featuring rapid response strategies and frequent progress monitoring.

      Tier 3

      Intensive interventions designed for individual students, incorporating diagnostic assessments and high-intensity support.


      Examples of RtI three tier pyramids are very similar to the MTSS pyramids with its three tiers. 

       The difference lies in the scope of each of the tiers. 

       In RtI, it’s the students who receive support, in MTSS, everyone including teachers and support staff receive support. 

       Also, in RtI, the focus is on students, whereas in MTSS, the focus is on the school system, and even outside the system, which includes the home of the student and the community. 

       Regarding what should be used, Dr. Adena Miller, who has managed both MTSS and RtI models at the state and district level, has the following advice, published on McREL, a non-profit, non-partisan education research and development organization.

       “If your educators see RtI as a means for getting students into special education, then a shift to MTSS is probably significant. However, if your implementation looks a lot like the definition of MTSS (integrated, preventative, problem-solving approach), then the shift is likely mere semantics.”

      Evidence Supporting MTSS and RtI Frameworks



      Evidence Supporting MTSS and RtI Frameworks

      Regardless of a school’s preferred tiered instruction framework, research says that both the MTSS and RtI models are effective, if they are used in the right way. 

      MTSS has had positive effects on academic outcomes. RtI has helped students achieve grade-level benchmarks

      Meta-analysis studies published in reputed journals confirm that small-group or individual interventions that include a foundational reading skills component, when provided to students with reading difficulties in Grades K-3, are likely to positively impact these students’ reading comprehension ability.

      Also, given that MTSS and RtI are both tiered systems, research emphasizes the effectiveness of such systems in improving literacy outcomes.

      The Institute of Education Sciences in their practice guide lists the following recommendations for multi-tier intervention in the primary grades that has strong or moderate evidence for improving literacy outcomes:

      1)Screen all students in the beginning of the year and again in the middle of the year. Regularly monitor the progress of students who are at risk of not reading at grade level.

      2) Provide intensive, systematic instruction on three foundational reading skills in small groups to students who score below the benchmark score on universal reading, three to five times a week for 20 to 40 minutes. 

      Thus, there is strong evidence supporting the use of both MTSS and RtI in early literacy, along with clear research-backed guidelines on their effective implementation.  

      Speaking of which, the next section explores best practices for each tier in depth.


      Strategies for Enhancing Each Tier in MTSS and RtI

      Strategies for Enhancing Each Tier in MTSS and RtI

      Tier 1: Strengthen Core Instruction

      Core instruction is the foundation of tiered support. To enhance Tier 1:

      • Implement evidence-based literacy programs.

      Renowned early literacy scientist, Dr.Louisa Moats says in her paper on existing approaches helping goals of tiered instruction, “successful implementation of RtI depends on educators’ understanding of scientific research in reading psychology, linguistics, educational measurement, and instruction.”

      • Use universal screeners to identify students at-risk early. Monitor progress of these students along with the whole class to identify others needing support.

      • Incorporate differentiated instructional strategies to address diverse learning needs.

      Tier 2: Enhance Small Group Instruction

      For students requiring targeted support:

      • Use diagnostic assessments to identify reading skill gaps. 
      • Use progress monitoring assessments to pinpoint specific skill areas that students need more practice or instruction in. 
      • Group students by similar needs to maximize instructional impact.


      Tier 3: Intensify Interventions and Monitoring

      Tier 3 requires the most intensive support and frequent monitoring:

      • Conduct individualized assessments to tailor interventions.

      • Increase intervention frequency and duration of interventions as necessary by constantly monitoring progress.


      Successfully Applying Tiered Instruction At Your School

      Successfully Applying Tiered Instruction At Your School

      Hopefully, this article was useful in better understanding MTSS and RtI. Both provide evidence-based frameworks that empower schools to meet the diverse needs of their students. 

      By following the advice in the previous sections, it’s possible to strengthen instruction and intervention in all three tiers.

      Tools like Sprig Reading streamlines the assessment process at each tier, and makes progress monitoring quick and intuitive for teachers.

      Monitoring progress at tier 3 may seem obvious, given the urgency of each of those cases. But what about tiers 1 and 2? Is core instruction sufficient, or is differentiated instruction required? 

      If differentiated instruction is needed, assessment data is essential for making informed decisions. What type of assessment data?

      In tier 2, point-in-time or snapshot assessment data from screeners or even diagnostic assessments will likely not be enough to make timely decisions. For example, the student is not showing any improvements, they may need individualized support more urgently. 

      But for this, more frequent and immediate information is needed, which can only come from progress monitoring.

      Similarly at tier 1, while strong evidence-based core instruction can be delivered to all students, there is a high likelihood that some students will need more help than others in certain foundational skills. They may even need to be grouped together to receive small-group instruction.

      Unaddressed needs in tier 1 can push students into tier 2 over time. But without progress monitoring in tier 1, how will educators know when intervention is needed?

      Whether proactively preventing students from slipping through the tiers or ensuring they receive timely support at the right tier, progress monitoring is essential in any tiered instruction framework.

      Frequently track and monitor reading progress for every student.

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Content Coverage in Early Literacy Assessments. Wide enough? Deep enough?

      Early-grade literacy assessments have come under increased scrutiny, with mandated screeners now required across much of the U.S. and Canada, typically administered one to three times a year.

      This introduces a level of accountability with mandated checkpoints on early literacy throughout the year. It also adds responsibility to take action for students who struggle based on results of the first screener, ensuring support between the first and second, and potentially second and third screeners.

      By addressing key questions about the necessary information and potential actions, the right early literacy assessment strategy can be thoughtfully developed. 

      A detailed list of such questions, along with possible actions informed by the answers, is provided in the article “What To Do With Early Literacy Assessments.”

      One such question was, “In what components of literacy do students need additional support?”

      It’s so important to know where help is needed for each student. 

      Another related question was, “What supplemental instruction is required for students?”

      It is equally important to know what that help may look like in the form of supplemental instruction which could be enhanced or personalized.

      This article further examines these questions as it has to do with the topic of content coverage in early literacy assessments. 

      It defines assessment content coverage and its properties, and the effect it can potentially have on early readers.


      Definition of Assessment Content Coverage.

      Definition of Assessment Content Coverage.

      Assessment coverage refers to the content evaluated in early literacy assessments. When selecting assessments, it’s crucial they align with your existing curriculum or standards. 

      Otherwise, there’s a risk of overlooking critical content areas, skills and competencies, leading to gaps in accountability and students potentially not meeting expectations.

      If the curriculum or standards fall short of evidence-based early literacy practices, assessments can serve as an enhancing tool. They can prompt teachers to evaluate areas overlooked by the curriculum, offering a backup method of instruction. This ensures that essential skills, even if not covered in the original syllabus, are explicitly taught and assessed.

      Thus, strong content coverage can both complement and enhance existing curriculum or standards.


      What is Measured in Early Literacy Assessments? 


      Early literacy assessments should measure developmentally appropriate knowledge domains necessary for successful reading by a certain age, typically by the end of Grade 3. 

      This is the critical point when students transition from learning to read to reading to learn. 

      These domains encompass both breadth and depth, which are explored in the following section.


      Number of Different Reading Domains (Breadth)

      Number of Different Reading Domains (Breadth)

      Breadth refers to the range of different domains covered by early literacy assessments. 

      Each large domain encompasses several subdomains, which may further branch into more specific areas of focus. 

      For example, reading comprehension is a large domain that can be divided into smaller domains of word reading and decoding. These domains can be further subdivided into skill sets like phonics, phonological awareness, etc.

      Breadth ensures that assessments capture a comprehensive picture of a child’s literacy development, addressing all critical components required for reading proficiency.


      Larger Concepts and Smaller Concepts in Each Domain (Depth)

      Larger Concepts and Smaller Concepts in Each Domain (Depth)

      Depth refers to the thoroughness with which each domain is explored in early literacy assessments. 

      The most comprehensive domains are fewer in number, but each delves deeply into multiple topics of learning. 

      These topics, in turn, branch out into various sub topics, ensuring a detailed and nuanced understanding of a child’s literacy development. 

      Depth allows educators to assess not just surface-level skills but the underlying competencies essential for reading success.  

      For example, if reading comprehension issues arise, word reading may be assessed. If word reading is adequate, phonological awareness can be assessed. If phonological awareness is also fine, the issue may lie in a specific skill, such as phoneme blending, which must also be assessed.


      How Does it Affect  Early Readers?

      How Does it Affect Early Readers?

      The breadth and depth of the reading domains together constitute the content coverage of early literacy assessments. 

      It is extremely important for early readers because every school must measure the right domains which actually lead to reading success and can be affected by effective reading instruction.

      Thus, schools have to make sure that the content coverage is broad enough, at the very least that it covers the main foundational reading skill sets such as phonological awareness, reading comprehension and oral reading fluency. 

      The Reading League’s Curriculum Evaluation Guidelines recommend that assessments address both word recognition and language comprehension.

      Schools must also ensure that the content coverage is deep enough, meaning each of the foundational skill sets have enough skills underneath them so that the smallest unit of learning can be measured. 

      This truly identifies any gaps that may be holding students back.


      Content Coverage in Early Literacy Assessments. Especially Relevant for Progress Monitoring.

      Content Coverage in Early Literacy Assessments. Especially Relevant for Progress Monitoring.

      This article establishes the importance for content coverage in early literacy assessments. 

      It is applicable for all types of assessments, be it benchmark screeners, diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring assessments or end-of-the-year outcome assessments.

      It is especially applicable for progress monitoring assessments because compared to all other assessment types, its recommended application is most frequent. 

      They are ideally conducted multiple times per week, if not daily.

      Thus, due to its repetitive nature, it can quickly reveal insights on students and groups of students that are not revealed in other types of assessments.  

      But these insights are only as good as what is being measured, hence adequate content coverage of early literacy assessments proves to be so important.

      Strong content coverage in early literacy assessments goes beyond adequacy, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of progress monitoring!

      According to ONlit, a resource hub provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education, progress toward research-backed goals can vary in meaning, from mastering multiple sub-skills to meeting curriculum-based reading outcomes throughout the year. 

      Strong content coverage covers all these dimensions of progress monitoring goals! 

      It gives the early literacy team a chance to measure the rate of improvement towards these goals and take appropriate actions if the progress is not deemed sufficient.

      By providing a comprehensive view of each student’s progress, it enables educators to measure the impact of instructional strategies that are prescribed for these  foundational literacy skills.

      Thus, both interventions and differentiated instruction are covered!

      Many research studies and state education departments recommend such a process for effectively using progress monitoring, which actually stands on having solid content coverage in early literacy assessments!

      Looking for a progress monitoring tool that helps teachers assess all the research-backed foundational skill sets? Visit Sprig Reading. 

      Sprig Reading 3.0 Has Launched!

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Sprig Reading is a progress monitoring tool for teachers to regularly track reading progress, ensuring every student masters the foundational skills required to read at grade-level.

      What to Do With Early Literacy Assessments? Easy Framework To Make The Right Decisions

      Reading assessments are a big part of evidence-based literacy instruction. While foundational reading skills like phonics and phonological awareness often dominate discussions, the assessment of these skills do not get as much airtime.

      Especially in the early years, assessing students’ reading development does not automatically equip educators to translate those results into effective instructional decisions.

      As a matter of fact, schools often find it difficult to effectively use assessment and accurately interpret their results to enhance reading outcomes. 

      Even with high-quality instruction, the absence of robust assessment planning can deepen inequities in access to effective reading instruction for students who need them most.

      School-wide reading assessments are now more prevalent and a required component of multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS). It’s high time that early literacy teams receive clear guidance about their usage.

      This article guides early literacy teams in selecting the right assessments to meet learning goals and maximizing the impact of their assessments. 

      In order to do this, it proposes the framework: Information. Action. Deliberation. 



      What Questions Are Early Literacy Teams Trying to Answer?

      Interpreting assessment results without understanding their purpose can lead to misguided actions for students. 

      Therefore, it’s crucial for literacy teams to first identify the key questions they need answered. 

      To effectively use current tools or consider adopting new tools, teams must analyze the information needs thoroughly. 

      Research on various assessment tools touch on the following information needs.


      Information Needs

      • How many students at each grade are proficient in reading?


      • Which students need additional support to meet end-of-year expectations?


      • What specific reading skills do students need additional instruction in?


      • What specific supplemental instruction is required for students?


      • Are students making progress toward meeting research-based expectations?


      • Are students receiving appropriate interventions at the various tiers, making progress towards their learning goals?




      What Decisions will Answering These Questions Allow Early Literacy Teams To Take? 

      If an information needs analysis proves challenging, then the literacy team can think about the decisions that they are looking to make with the information. 

      In other words, if formulating questions proves difficult, focus on how the answers to those questions benefit the early literacy team and their students.

      This approach strengthens the information needs analysis, helping to choose the right assessment tools for specific purposes.

      To demonstrate, the previous question examples have now been paired with their corresponding actions:


      How many students at each grade are proficient in reading?

      Answer helps to: Understand progress towards strategic objectives, evaluate current curriculum and classroom resources.


      Which students need additional support to meet end-of-year expectations?

      Answer helps to: Allocate resources and time for those students currently performing below standard.


      What specific reading skills do students need additional instruction in?

      Answer helps to: Identify targeted tier 2 and tier 3 classroom instruction, to ensure children are receiving the support they need, when they need it.  


      What specific supplemental instruction is required for students?

      Answer helps to: Provide teachers with evidence-based instructional practices that help provide personalized instruction for every student.  


      Are students making progress toward meeting research-based expectations?

      Answer helps to: Ensure students are on track with learning the foundational reading skills and support teachers to continue or intensify their existing instructional practices. 


      Are students receiving appropriate interventions at the various tiers, making progress towards their learning goals?

      Answer helps to: Identify the need to continue, intensify, fade or modify their existing intervention approach. 


      Note how certain answers help to decide binary actions, that is whether to do something or not, while others help to get clarity over making individual or group decisions for students. 

      This is expected.

      Actions vary, some target school-wide strategies, while others focus on specific classroom and/or student-level interventions.

      These distinctions must be considered when deciding how to use early literacy assessments.




      Provide Assessment Types for The Decision To Be Made. 

      Performing steps one and two, that is, determining the right questions to gather information and the actions based on those answers are crucial for selecting the appropriate assessment tool.

      This is because these questions and answers are internal, directly addressing the school’s specific needs and goals.

      Every  assessment tool in the market has its own purpose. They are external, unless developed organically by the school. 

      By understanding what is required first, an early literacy team can easily pick the assessment tool/s that best suits their purpose.

      Deliberation is the final step.

      The right early literacy assessment strategy and tools must be carefully deliberated on, so they provide the precise information needed to drive effective actions.


      How Can You Do This?


      How many types of assessments do you need to meet all your objectives? Is one sufficient, or do you need multiple? Sprig Learning explores this topic in another blog

      Recapping the major assessment categories’ description from 11 Key Questions for Selecting The Right Early Literacy Assessment(s) for Your School.

      Universal Screening Assessments- Identifies students at risk. Helps to evaluate core instruction.

      Diagnostic Assessments- Identifies strengths and areas of need. Helps to plan and implement instruction and intervention.

      Progress Monitoring Assessments- Identifies if students are responding. Evaluates the extent to which students are on track to meet research-based targets.


      • Understand Which Data From Selected Assessment/s Will Provide Most Value.

      Vendors provide multiple scores in their assessment solutions, so it’s important to pick the right one that will be suited to the purpose.

      For measuring growth, scaled scores should be used instead of grade-level scores. 

      The grade-level metrics only reflect differences in text complexity, not the actual growth in students’ reading abilities. They are helpful for making classroom assessments.

      For individual students, schools should focus on interpreting the scaled score specific to each assessment.


      • Understand How to Set Decision Rules

      For setting decision rules, there are two major components of determining if an intervention is required or if the current intervention is working. It can be at any tier of MTSS. 

      1. Set a predetermined goal.
      2. Establish criteria for evaluating whether the student/group/class is on track to meet the goal.

      Decision rules must be set for every type of assessment. 

      Let’s take progress monitoring as an example, as its high frequency of data collection provides a faster data-based decision cycle.

      The Oregon Department of Education recommends the four point decision rule and the slope analysis. 

      The former takes the four most recent data points to a pre-set research-backed goal line. If they are all below the goal line, the intervention is adjusted due to insufficient growth. If they are all above the goal line, the intervention is faded or a new line is set. If they are both above and below the line, the current intervention is continued.

      There is also a slope-analysis where a linear trend is fit into existing data points to characterize the trend in their overall actual growth. The steepness of the student’s growth trend is compared to the slope of the goal line.

      When setting decision rules, consider what’s needed to close a gap and realistically evaluate how much progress an intervention can achieve within a set timeframe. Goals for progress monitoring should account for both these factors.


      • Understand The Needs of the End User.

      Administrators use screening scores for scheduling and resource decisions, like identifying students needing extra support. These scores offer a general view of reading development but lack the detailed information teachers need for lesson planning.

      Since a single assessment suite generates various scores, it’s important to determine which scores are most useful for each group. 

      Aligning on these needs can enhance collaboration and support better student literacy outcomes.


      Information. Action. Deliberation.

      Information. Action. Deliberation.

      Apply It Today To Perfect Early Literacy Assessments Across All Tiers

      The Reading League comments, if 85% of students are not proficient in foundational skills with a Tier 1 curriculum, the issue likely lies with the program or its implementation, not the students. 

      But this is overwhelmingly the case for almost every school across the continent!

      This is why many leading literacy organizations recommend in their curriculum evaluation guidelines that assessment data be used to differentiate instruction across a Multi-Tiered System of Supports based on student progress.

      Core instruction and its assessment is just as important as any supplementary measures taken in any of the other tiers in MTSS.

      So when deciding what to do with early literacy assessments, the framework outlined in this article of information, action and deliberation helps to gain an overall understanding of the needs of every student, and every end-user.

      It resolves tension between the type of reading assessment scores that administrators and teachers find useful in their roles. 

      It helps to methodologically think about all objectives that are in stake, and the information areas that are needed in order to meet them.

      Sprig Reading 3.0 Has Launched!

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Effective in whole group, small group, and individual intervention settings, Sprig Reading supports differentiated instruction to ensure every child masters the foundational skills needed to read at grade-level.

      Holistic Assessment in Early Math

      To design holistic assessment for early math, it’s crucial to grasp its essence and application in educational contexts. This article explores the concept of holistic assessment, its alignment with early math education, and the types of knowledge it evaluates. 

      Let’s start with an understanding about how holistic assessment works in early math.


      Holistic Assessment in Early Math. What Is it?

      Holistic Assessment in Early Math. What Is it?

      The concept of holistic assessment in early numeracy involves evaluating a child’s mathematical understanding in a comprehensive manner that goes beyond traditional assessments. 

      This approach recognizes that numeracy encompasses a wide range of skills and concepts, including number sense, counting, measurement, spatial awareness, and problem-solving abilities. 

      Holistic assessment aims to capture the full breadth of a child’s numeracy development by considering multiple sources of evidence and a variety of assessment methods.

      Holistic Assessment in early math will consider all of the following:

      Observation: Teachers observe children during play, structured activities, and daily routines to gather insights into their mathematical thinking and understanding.

      Child-Centered Assessments: Children are asked to complete specific tasks or engage in activities that demonstrate their numeracy skills in a practical context. These assessments are often game-based and interactive but can also involve the use of manipulatives.

      Portfolios: A collection of work that provides a comprehensive view of a child’s progress over time. Portfolios can include samples of children’s work, photographs of activities, and teacher notes, offering a detailed picture of their numeracy development.

      Conversations and Interviews: Engaging children in discussions about numbers, patterns, and problem-solving can provide valuable insights into their thinking processes and understanding.

      Self-assessment and Reflection: Encouraging children to reflect on their own learning and to assess their work can support their metacognitive skills and numeracy development.

      Drawing Insights from Multiple Sources: Surveying parents, teachers and the community as well to gain a proper understanding of the child’s learning environment and circumstances.

      The holistic approach values the process of learning as much as the outcomes, emphasizing growth and understanding over rote memorization or the ability to perform well on a standardized test or diagnostic. 

      It considers the child’s learning environment, interactions, emotional well-being, and cultural background, recognizing these elements as integral to their numeracy development. 

      Holistic assessment aims to provide a well-rounded, accurate picture of a child’s abilities and potential areas for growth, informing teaching strategies and supporting individualized learning.


      How are Math Processes Different From Math Skills in The Early Years? 

      How are Math Processes Different From Math Skills in The Early Years?

      In the early years of education, distinguishing between math processes and math skills is crucial for developing a comprehensive mathematics curriculum that addresses all facets of a child’s learning and development. 

      Both elements play a significant role in the foundational understanding of mathematics, but they cater to different aspects of learning.


      Math Skills

      Math skills refer to the understanding of mathematical principles and ideas. These are the “what” of mathematics—the knowledge pieces that students need to grasp. Examples of math concepts in the early years include:


      Number Sense: Understanding numbers, their values, and how they relate to one another.

      Shape Recognition: Knowing different shapes and their properties.

      Measurement: Understanding concepts of length, weight, volume, and time.

      Patterns and Sequencing: Identifying and creating patterns; understanding order and sequences.


      Math concepts provide the foundational knowledge that students build upon as they progress in their mathematical learning. 

      They are the building blocks for more complex mathematical reasoning and problem-solving in later years.


      Math Processes

      Math processes, on the other hand, refer to the methods and approaches used to solve mathematical problems. These are the “how” of mathematics—the skills and strategies that students employ to work with mathematical concepts. Examples of math processes in the early years include:


      Problem Solving: The ability to think through a problem, understand it, and find a solution.

      Reasoning: The process of making logical connections between ideas, developing arguments, and making predictions.

      Communication: Using language, symbols, and diagrams to express mathematical ideas clearly and to understand others’ mathematical thinking.

      Connecting: Relating mathematical ideas to one another and to real-life situations.


      Math processes are critical for applying math concepts in various contexts. 

      They involve higher-order thinking skills that enable students to use their mathematical knowledge effectively and flexibly.


      Why Do Both Need to Be Measured?

      Measuring both math skills and math processes is essential for a holistic approach to assessing math in the early years. Here’s why:


      Complementary Development: Ensuring that students are developing both their conceptual understanding and their process skills is crucial. A focus on one to the exclusion of the other can lead to gaps in knowledge or ability. Process skills and conceptual understanding complement each other. Strengthening process skills supports skill development, fostering comprehensive mathematical growth.

      Informing Instruction: Assessment of both skills and processes provide teachers with valuable information on how best to support each student’s learning, tailoring instruction to address learning challenges and build on learning strengths.

      Building Foundations: Early math learning sets the foundation for future mathematical understanding. A strong grasp of both skills and processes are necessary for students to succeed in more advanced mathematics.

      In summary, math skills and processes cater to different yet complementary aspects of mathematical understanding. 

      Both are vital for a well-rounded math education that not only builds knowledge but also equips students with the skills to apply this knowledge effectively. 

      Measuring both skills and processes allows educators to provide targeted instruction that supports comprehensive math development.


      What Is It About Holistic Assessment That Allows It to Assess Math Processes So Well?

      What Is It About Holistic Assessment That Allows It to Assess Math Processes So Well?

      Holistic assessment measures math processes effectively because it considers various aspects of students’ mathematical thinking, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and connections between mathematical concepts. 

      By combining student-driven, game-based assessments with observational assessments by educators and input from caregivers, a holistic and comprehensive picture of students’ experiences and knowledge of early mathematics is created. 

      This multifaceted approach allows for a deeper understanding of students’ mathematical abilities, preferences, and learning needs, empowering educators to provide targeted instruction and support that nurtures mathematical proficiency and confidence in students.


      Student-Driven, Game-Based Assessments:

      Game-based assessments captivate students’ interest and motivation, encouraging active participation and enthusiasm for mathematical learning.

      Immediate feedback provided in game-based assessments allows students to monitor their progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

      These game-based assessments can be tailored to students’ individual needs and learning styles, providing personalized learning experiences that cater to diverse learners.


      Observational Assessments by Educators:

      Insight into Student Thinking: Educators can gain valuable insights into students’ mathematical thinking and problem-solving approaches through observational assessments, allowing them to identify misconceptions and provide targeted support.

      Formative assessments provide ongoing opportunities for educators to monitor student progress, make instructional adjustments in real-time, and scaffold learning experiences as needed.


      Input by Caregivers:

      Caregivers provide valuable contextual understanding on students’ experiences, opportunities and knowledge of early mathematics outside the classroom, enriching educators’ understanding of students’ backgrounds and learning contexts.

      Collaboration between caregivers and educators promotes a shared understanding of students’ strengths, challenges, and learning goals, fostering a supportive learning environment both at home and in school.


      Applying Holistic Assessments in Early Math

      Applying Holistic Assessments in Early Math

      Holistic assessments are an integral part of modern early learning, especially so in math, as demonstrated in this article. Math processes especially, lend themselves very well to be assessed holistically, which is also shown in this article.

      Effective tools with student-driven game-based assessments, teacher-driven observational assessments, and input from various stakeholders integrated into a single platform can significantly enhance the assessment process in early math. 

      Sprig Learning attended the esteemed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference earlier this year, known as the premier math education event, to present on the topic “A Holistic Approach to Assessing Mathematical Processes in the Early Years”

      “Sharing the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and learning in early math and its practical application for classrooms is important to us,” says Jarrett Laughlin, CEO of Sprig Learning. He further adds, “ It’s about creating a comprehensive understanding of students’ mathematical abilities, which guides their growth and development”. 

      With expertise in holistic assessments and a deep understanding of their application in early math education, consider reaching out to the Sprig Math team for invaluable guidance on implementing holistic assessment practices in early math settings.

      Best Early Literacy Activities for Teaching Foundational Reading Skills

      Educators today are constantly seeking evidence-based activities that enhance student learning. But what distinguishes these activities, and how can they be effectively implemented in the classroom?

      This article addresses these inquiries by elucidating the core practices that form the foundation of evidence-based literacy activities. It then explores their practical application in educational settings. 

      Delving into three fundamental reading skill sets, it introduces and delineates evidence-based early literacy activities tailored to each skill. 

      Whether you’re a seasoned educator or embarking on your teaching journey, this article advocates for the efficacy of evidence-based early literacy activities, whether through play-based learning or just explicit instruction in the classroom.


      Evidence-based Early Literacy Activities. What Practices Are Used to Do them? 

      Evidence-based Early Literacy Activities. What Practices Are Used to Do them?

      Any teaching practice consists of many things that has to be done in the classroom, such as instructing, assessing, creating centers, etc.

      The word activity can mean many different things. In the context of teaching early literacy, activities refer to teacher-designed and/or teacher-facilitated tasks aimed at student learning.

      There are such activities in early literacy that are evidence-based. They have been validated to work using personal experience of teachers and research data from studies.

      All of such activities involve one or more of these five early literacy practices: reading, writing,singing, talking and playing. 

      These are the five broad categories of practices that lead to early literacy development. All evidence-based early literacy activities can be classified under one or more of these categories. 


      How Should Literacy Activities be Used in The Classroom? Properties That Define Their Usage.

      How Should Literacy Activities be Used in The Classroom? Properties That Define Their Usage.

      While the five major types of literacy practices cover a lot of ground, in order for them to translate to student success, it’s good if they are specific and have a purpose.

      Early literacy activities have these two properties– specificity and purpose.

      Literacy activities should match the skills that are being taught in the classroom. 

      So it begins with understanding what the foundational reading skill sets are in early literacy. 

      Once these skill sets are identified, there are specific activities that have been used by educators which can be used to teach these skills. 

      These activities are also backed by research, which is why so many teachers have adopted them in the classrooms. 

      More on this in the next section, where it is stated what these activities entail (specificity), and which foundational reading skill sets they apply to. (purpose)


      Evidence For The Most Effective Literacy Activity For Foundational Reading Skill Sets

      Evidence For The Most Effective Literacy Activity For Foundational Reading Skill Sets.


      Alongside using activities in the classroom for teaching purposes, the research consensus on evidence-based teaching recommends explicit instruction on the foundational skill sets. 

      This means, providing a clear understanding of the concept being taught, and what role it plays in the reading development.

      Once this explicit instruction has been provided, it can be demonstrated or reinforced through  many activities. 

      But what are the most effective activities for each foundational reading skill set? Not all activities are created equal. 

      Outlined below are three fundamental reading skill sets, each accompanied by research-backed activities that have been proven to be effective. 

      For early literacy teachers eager to initiate classroom activities targeting the different foundational reading skill sets, these are for you!



      Letter-Sound Matching: Letter-sound correspondence should be taught at the same time. It is an essential skill in both reading and writing. Knowing the letter sounds is crucial for developing decoding skills. 

      After explicitly teaching students the sounds of letters with their proper pronunciations, we can supplement this learning with pairing letters with their corresponding sounds. 

      Teachers can engage students in play-based activities to solidify their phonics knowledge. 

      1. Kinetic Learning (in small groups): Set up letter flashcards or letter tiles on the ground. After saying the sound, have students walk, hop, or jump to that letter. This activity could also be done with throwing a ball at a letter after saying the sound. 

      2. Involve familiar objects: Set up a table with the letter sounds that you are working on and have students sort familiar objects and toys based on the first letter of the word. If working with a small group or with a student 1-on-1, involve a toy that they know –      a Spiderman to teach ‘s’ and a toy car to teach ‘c’. 

      3. Create the sound with different media: After saying the sound, have students create the letter with pencil, coloured marker, string, playdoh, trace in sand, or with sticks. 

      4. Scavenger hunt: Create a scavenger hunt to search for objects that start with certain sounds. 

      Through consistent practice, students reinforce their understanding of letter-sound associations, laying a solid foundation for proficient reading.


      Phonological Awareness

      Word Ladders (or Word Chains): An effective tool for teaching phonemic awareness skills such as segmenting, isolating and manipulating. The best way to start is by changing the same phoneme throughout the activity. 

      Have students start by spelling the first word in the ladder; Show me “get”. Followed by “change a sound to make ‘bet’”, change a sound to make ‘met’”. If students are not quite ready to write each letter they can use letter tiles to manipulate the words. 

      Breaking words into individual phonemes or sounds is a highly effective exercise for teaching phonological awareness. Students learn to isolate and identify the individual sounds in spoken words.

      Teachers can engage students in interactive and playful exercises where they segment spoken words into individual phonemes. 

      For example, the teacher could say a word aloud (e.g., “cat”) and students would use manipulatives or sound boxes to represent each sound they hear (/k/ – /ă/ – /t/). This helps students develop their ability to isolate and identify individual sounds within words. 



      Predictions: Encouraging students to make educated guesses about what might happen next in a reading based on their understanding of the informational content, is a proven exercise for teaching reading comprehension.

      This exercise prompts students to actively engage with the text, consider the characters, plot, setting, and other relevant details, and use their background knowledge and textual clues to make logical predictions.

      Research indicates that prediction activities enhance comprehension by promoting critical thinking, inference-making, and active engagement with the text, thereby improving students’ ability to comprehend and interpret written material. Students are taught to actively engage with the text through predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. 

      An activity to introduce students to predicting at the beginning of any unit or reading starts with making a list of keywords, characters, quotes, settings. 

      Each student is provided with one item from this list. They then pair up with a ‘Prediction Pal’ and based on the items they have, they make a prediction about what they are going to learn about. 

      Students then pair up with somebody else and make another prediction based on their items and the clues they had from their previous ‘Prediction Pal’. Pairings can be done 4 or 5 times before making a final prediction as a class. 


      Need for Play-based Learning Alongside Evidence-based Learning. Possible Through Activities

      How Should Literacy Activities be Used in The Classroom? Properties That Define Their Usage.

      One amazing thing about activities is that they help to balance the rigorous nature of explicit instruction that is found within evidence-based early literacy. 

      Despite instruction being direct, explicit and systematic, it is also made fun through the use of activities in play-based learning.

      Guided play-based learning leads to success in early literacy for students. Multi-sensory activities, in particular, provide a rich and immersive experience. By incorporating elements of play through multi-sensory activities, educators can create dynamic learning environments where students actively participate and construct their understanding of literacy concepts. 

      Oral and written instruction through worksheets and texts are great. But when instruction is also provided via multi-sensory activities, which involves not just sight, but other senses as well such as noise and tactile experience, it makes the learning process all the more powerful.


      What About Other Skills and Other Activities?

      What About Other Skills and Other Activities?

      Play-based learning is vast, and it is definitely not limited to the activities mentioned in this article. There are other activities with supporting evidence that establish them as drivers of foundational reading skills. 

      Determining the best activity for teaching each of the foundational reading skills to K-3 students can vary depending on factors such as student needs, learning styles, and instructional context.

      With that in mind, one evidence-based activity each was selected in this article for the three foundational reading skill sets. 

      However, it’s essential to note that other foundational reading skills also have corresponding evidence-based activities for teaching them.

      If an activity is backed by evidence as an effective tool for teaching a specific foundational reading skill set, teachers should prioritize its use in the classroom. 

      More such evidence-based activities aligned to the foundational reading skill sets are provided in Sprig Reading. 

      Try it today to witness it firsthand.