Sprig Reading 3.0 Has Launched Guarantee Student Success
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Helping Every Early Learner Make Progress in Early Literacy- Individualized Education Programs.

The importance of evidence-based core instruction and research-driven assessments cannot be overstated, especially given that they have not always been the topmost priorities in education. The same holds true for monitoring student progress and providing early interventions. 

Every student learns differently, and at their own pace. Thus, by raising the quality of education for all, the goal is to meet each student where they are, while simultaneously ensuring systems are in place to provide timely support.

As every student is different, there is a special place in our hearts for those students with learning difficulties or disabilities .

Probably more than anyone else, these students require additional support to succeed in early literacy, making it essential to dedicate increased attention to their unique needs.

This article goes over the nature of Individualized Education Plans (IEP), their prevalence in education, the systems that exist to support them, and how best to optimize educational systems in order to serve students with learning difficulties or disabilities.

What is an Individualized Educational Program/ Individual Education Plan?

What is an Individualized Educational Program: Individual Education Plan?

In the US, every public school student receiving additional education services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a personalized plan tailored to their unique needs. 

The IEP brings together teachers, parents, administrators, specialists, and, when appropriate, the student, ensuring a collaborative approach to improving educational outcomes for children with learning difficulties or disabilities.

 These individuals combine their knowledge, experience, and dedication to create an IEP that supports the student’s engagement and progress in the general curriculum. The IEP serves as a roadmap for delivering individualized education services and support.

 In Canada, the IEP goes by different names depending on the province. In Ontario, for example, it’s called an Individual Education Plan, maintaining the same acronym.

An Individual Education Plan is a written document outlining the accommodations and services a school board will provide to support a student. It is based on a comprehensive assessment of the student’s strengths, needs, and learning abilities.

Many students need additional support beyond regular instruction and assessment to reach their full potential. Ensuring their needs are met in the educational setting gives them the best chance of success. 

Understanding the scale of these needs is crucial for building the capacity to support all students effectively.

What Percentage of Students Need an IEP?

What Percentage of Students Need an IEP?

The U.S. Department of Education maintains data on students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The percentage of IDEA-eligible students ages 3-21 in public schools has steadily risen, from 14.1% in 2019 to 15.2% in 2023. 

Notably, children aged 3-5 who are not in kindergarten yet, saw a faster growth rate than those students in Kindergarten through age 21, 13.6% vs. 3% in 2021.

Canada is also seeing similar trends. For example in Ontario, the proportion of students with IEPs has steadily increased over time, surpassing 15% of all students a decade ago. 

The education system must address the needs of all students, and early identification of individualized needs is a positive step toward providing the right support. By tailoring educational experiences, we create more inclusive and effective learning environments.

 However, this also requires significant effort from everyone involved. To provide the best early support, it’s crucial to understand the unique challenges a child faces.


In the 2022-2023 school year, the most common areas of support for IDEA-eligible children aged 3 to 5 were:

  • Developmental Delay: 45%
  • Speech/Language Impairment: 33%
  • Autism: 15%


With nearly 80% of students on an IEP experiencing developmental delays or speech/language impairments, gaining a deeper understanding of their unique needs will empower the education system to provide more tailored and effective support.

 Thus it is vital to intervene as early as possible. Even with certain types of reading difficulties such as dyslexia, students can make significant progress! It’s possible for all students with dyslexia to improve their reading. They can be helped in every step of the way.


Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and IEPs. Two Available Support Systems.

How MTSS Supports Special Education (1)

MTSS is a tiered framework that provides a structured approach to delivering interventions to students. It does so by controlling the instruction group size, that is, whole class, small group or individuals. Improving tiered instruction in early literacy using frameworks like MTSS and RtI (Response to Intervention) has been previously covered by Sprig Learning. 

 It’s very reassuring to know that such tiered frameworks attempt to cover every single student in the classroom, which would also include any student with learning difficulties or disabilities. 

 But most MTSS models used by schools say that 5% of students in the classroom need tier 3 support, which are intensive interventions designed for individual students. 

 In the previous section, we saw that up to 15 % and more students require IEPs . Thus, MTSS cannot replace IEPs, but can definitely support it. 

To further emphasize this distinctiveness, an IEP does not automatically indicate that a student requires Tier 3 intervention in MTSS. Nor is Tier 3 exclusive to students with IEPs. Instead, Tier 3 is available to any student who needs this level of individualized and intensive instruction.

But yes, the MTSS is very valuable in supporting any students with learning difficulties.

 MTSS offers an early identification system for at-risk students through assessments. For students who may face challenges in the IEP referral process, which can be stressful and overwhelming, MTSS can quickly provide the necessary support. 

 This approach not only addresses immediate needs but also strengthens the case for eventual referral for an IEP, as a part of comprehensive evaluation procedures. 

MTSS also ensures that these students have access to the core curriculum and intervention support. Students with IEPs can receive tailored instruction and resources based on their needs in academics, social-emotional skills, or behavior, supervised by Special education staff.

Are There Enough Special Education Teachers?



Are There Enough Special Education Teachers?

For the 2024-25 school year, 72% of public schools with special education teacher vacancies reported difficulties in filling these positions, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

In Canada, 94% of elementary schools have a special education teacher, either full or part-time. This marks a decline from 2019/20, when 100% of elementary secondary schools reported having special education teachers.

 These numbers indicate that there could be a shortage of special education teachers in the years to come. Policymakers must ensure sufficient resources, both personnel and tools,are available to support those who need them most.


How to Help Students with Learning Difficulties?

How Sprig Reading Helps Both MTSS and Special Education (1)

A Widely Adopted and Well-functioning MTSS/ RtI Framework

While an MTSS system cannot replace special education programs, it is well placed to provide help to  those students who need it more than others. 

Special education law mandates that students be placed in the least restrictive environment, meaning many students with IEPs spend most of their day in general education settings. In such a setting, MTSS can provide valuable resources and support, appropriately benefiting all learners. 

 Assessments can help measure proficiency and identify needs, and thus MTSS can help educators tailor resources to the specific needs of all students, including those who have IEPs! No one is excluded in such a system.

Reliable Progress Monitoring

Regardless of placement based on an assessment, it is so important that all students, and especially students with IEPs, receive regular progress monitoring

 For MTSS, the organization The Ability Challenge recommends “regular 6-8 weeks cycles for assessment and data collection to inform interventions and progress”. For Special Education, it recommends “regular assessment and data collection”, the frequency of which is determined by IEP, to “monitor progress towards IEP goals.”

In either case, leaving it to benchmark assessments for data at certain times of the year will not suffice. Rather, an ongoing progress monitoring approach is needed. Sprig Reading is purposefully designed  to provide teachers with quick and intuitive progress monitoring, so every foundational reading skill can be monitored for all students.

    Integration and Collaboration between Tiered Systems of Support and Special Education

    Comprehensive student support is only possible with the integration of data from both frameworks, providing a complete view of the student for informed decision-making. 

    Regular communication between systems like MTSS/RtI and special education also helps to create a unified and uninterrupted approach to student support. 

    Effective collaboration among all members of the early literacy team is essential. To this effect, Sprig Reading allows multiple members of the teaching staff to create accounts, whereby they can collaborate on the early literacy success of their students.


      Helping Every Child Make Progress.

      Helping Every Child Make Progress.

      Schools can and must take a preventative and proactive approach when it comes to providing support to students. 

      But for students who face greater challenges from the start, everyone must also work within those realities to support their reading progress and help them reach their full potential. 

       This article highlights the essential role of IEPs for students with learning difficulties and how other frameworks and tools can provide a helping hand. If you found this information helpful, subscribe to our monthly newsletter for more insights, expert blogs, and the latest in early literacy.

      Frequently track and monitor reading progress for every student.

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Improving Tiered Instruction in Early Literacy Through Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI)

      Tiered instruction frameworks have become a cornerstone in addressing diverse student needs in early literacy. 

      Two widely used models, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI), provide structured approaches to delivering interventions and improving literacy outcomes. 

      In a 2023 survey featured on Education Week, 60% of participating districts and schools said that they had well established MTSS systems or were in the beginning phases of implementing. 

      Another 36% said that they were currently in the midst of rolling out such a system, indicating the framework’s soaring popularity in recent years. 

      Literacy was the biggest focus of the framework, beating out other types of interventions, such as math, behavior, attendance and social-emotional learning. 

      RtI is very popular itself, with another survey indicating that approximately 70% of school districts with elementary schools implement them, primarily for literacy.

      With tiered instruction widely embraced in early literacy, this blog breaks down its key aspects. 

      It clarifies the difference between tiered and differentiated instruction, explores the relationship between MTSS and RtI, and unpacks the three-tiered pyramid structure of these models. 

      Finally, it covers the evidence-based for these frameworks, before going into actionable strategies at each tier.

      Understanding Tiered Instruction and Differentiated Instruction

      Understanding Tiered Instruction and Differentiated Instruction

      Tiered instruction adjusts the instructional approach based on group size.

      Tiered instruction includes whole-class instruction for all students, small-group support for those at risk, and individualized instruction for students with ongoing challenges. Each tier serves a distinct purpose and looks very different in practice.

      Differentiated instruction on the other hand, consists of varying the instruction by either content, process, assessment or learning environment. 

      It’s a topic covered extensively by Sprig Learning because of its large scope, and because of the many ways instruction can be differentiated to meet diverse student needs.

      Differentiated instruction is not restricted to any particular tier in tiered instruction. Instruction can be differentiated at any tier.

      Tiered instruction can be thought of as only one example of differentiated instruction, where differentiation occurs by varying the group size in which students are taught.

      Deciphering the Relationship Between MTSS and RtI Frameworks.

      Deciphering the Relationship Between MTSS and RtI Frameworks.<br />

      Both the MTSS and RtI frameworks share a three-tiered structure and a commitment to continuous progress monitoring and data-informed practices.

      MTSS is a comprehensive framework that integrates academic, behavioral, and social-emotional supports to ensure all students succeed. 

      It emphasizes proactive and preventive measures, data-driven decision-making, and collaboration among educators.

      RtI, often considered a subset of MTSS, focuses primarily on academic interventions. 

      It identifies struggling students early and provides increasingly intensive support to meet their needs.

      So at first glance, MTSS and RtI are very similar with MTSS encompassing RtI and extending beyond it, making MTSS the more comprehensive framework. 

      However, choosing a specific approach matters for schools, which is why we examine the tiers that are associated with the two frameworks.


      What are the Different Tiers in MTSS and RtI?

      What are the Different Tiers in MTSS and RtI?

      In MTSS, schools typically implement three tiers for academic support, with parallel tiers available for behavior:

      Tier 1

      Research-based core instruction provided to all students, emphasizing prevention and early intervention.

      Tier 2

      Targeted interventions for students at risk, featuring rapid response strategies and frequent progress monitoring.

      Tier 3

      Intensive interventions designed for individual students, incorporating diagnostic assessments and high-intensity support.


      Examples of RtI three tier pyramids are very similar to the MTSS pyramids with its three tiers. 

       The difference lies in the scope of each of the tiers. 

       In RtI, it’s the students who receive support, in MTSS, everyone including teachers and support staff receive support. 

       Also, in RtI, the focus is on students, whereas in MTSS, the focus is on the school system, and even outside the system, which includes the home of the student and the community. 

       Regarding what should be used, Dr. Adena Miller, who has managed both MTSS and RtI models at the state and district level, has the following advice, published on McREL, a non-profit, non-partisan education research and development organization.

       “If your educators see RtI as a means for getting students into special education, then a shift to MTSS is probably significant. However, if your implementation looks a lot like the definition of MTSS (integrated, preventative, problem-solving approach), then the shift is likely mere semantics.”

      Evidence Supporting MTSS and RtI Frameworks



      Evidence Supporting MTSS and RtI Frameworks

      Regardless of a school’s preferred tiered instruction framework, research says that both the MTSS and RtI models are effective, if they are used in the right way. 

      MTSS has had positive effects on academic outcomes. RtI has helped students achieve grade-level benchmarks

      Meta-analysis studies published in reputed journals confirm that small-group or individual interventions that include a foundational reading skills component, when provided to students with reading difficulties in Grades K-3, are likely to positively impact these students’ reading comprehension ability.

      Also, given that MTSS and RtI are both tiered systems, research emphasizes the effectiveness of such systems in improving literacy outcomes.

      The Institute of Education Sciences in their practice guide lists the following recommendations for multi-tier intervention in the primary grades that has strong or moderate evidence for improving literacy outcomes:

      1)Screen all students in the beginning of the year and again in the middle of the year. Regularly monitor the progress of students who are at risk of not reading at grade level.

      2) Provide intensive, systematic instruction on three foundational reading skills in small groups to students who score below the benchmark score on universal reading, three to five times a week for 20 to 40 minutes. 

      Thus, there is strong evidence supporting the use of both MTSS and RtI in early literacy, along with clear research-backed guidelines on their effective implementation.  

      Speaking of which, the next section explores best practices for each tier in depth.


      Strategies for Enhancing Each Tier in MTSS and RtI

      Strategies for Enhancing Each Tier in MTSS and RtI

      Tier 1: Strengthen Core Instruction

      Core instruction is the foundation of tiered support. To enhance Tier 1:

      • Implement evidence-based literacy programs.

      Renowned early literacy scientist, Dr.Louisa Moats says in her paper on existing approaches helping goals of tiered instruction, “successful implementation of RtI depends on educators’ understanding of scientific research in reading psychology, linguistics, educational measurement, and instruction.”

      • Use universal screeners to identify students at-risk early. Monitor progress of these students along with the whole class to identify others needing support.

      • Incorporate differentiated instructional strategies to address diverse learning needs.

      Tier 2: Enhance Small Group Instruction

      For students requiring targeted support:

      • Use diagnostic assessments to identify reading skill gaps. 
      • Use progress monitoring assessments to pinpoint specific skill areas that students need more practice or instruction in. 
      • Group students by similar needs to maximize instructional impact.


      Tier 3: Intensify Interventions and Monitoring

      Tier 3 requires the most intensive support and frequent monitoring:

      • Conduct individualized assessments to tailor interventions.

      • Increase intervention frequency and duration of interventions as necessary by constantly monitoring progress.


      Successfully Applying Tiered Instruction At Your School

      Successfully Applying Tiered Instruction At Your School

      Hopefully, this article was useful in better understanding MTSS and RtI. Both provide evidence-based frameworks that empower schools to meet the diverse needs of their students. 

      By following the advice in the previous sections, it’s possible to strengthen instruction and intervention in all three tiers.

      Tools like Sprig Reading streamlines the assessment process at each tier, and makes progress monitoring quick and intuitive for teachers.

      Monitoring progress at tier 3 may seem obvious, given the urgency of each of those cases. But what about tiers 1 and 2? Is core instruction sufficient, or is differentiated instruction required? 

      If differentiated instruction is needed, assessment data is essential for making informed decisions. What type of assessment data?

      In tier 2, point-in-time or snapshot assessment data from screeners or even diagnostic assessments will likely not be enough to make timely decisions. For example, the student is not showing any improvements, they may need individualized support more urgently. 

      But for this, more frequent and immediate information is needed, which can only come from progress monitoring.

      Similarly at tier 1, while strong evidence-based core instruction can be delivered to all students, there is a high likelihood that some students will need more help than others in certain foundational skills. They may even need to be grouped together to receive small-group instruction.

      Unaddressed needs in tier 1 can push students into tier 2 over time. But without progress monitoring in tier 1, how will educators know when intervention is needed?

      Whether proactively preventing students from slipping through the tiers or ensuring they receive timely support at the right tier, progress monitoring is essential in any tiered instruction framework.

      Frequently track and monitor reading progress for every student.

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Sprig Learning 2024 Recap. Spreading Wings With Purpose-built Solutions.

      As the year draws to a close, Sprig Learning reflects on 2024, a year filled with inspiring events, and impactful innovations.

      Whether it be our work in collaboration with Indigenous communities, new innovations in early childhood assessments, or exploring game-based learning and evidence-based progress monitoring, it was a great year to spread our wings!

      Here are a few standout moments from what was a truly transformative year for Sprig.


      February & March : A Big Step with Apple and Indigenous Education Collaboration

      Apple Education Partners Program: In February, we were proud to join Apple’s prestigious Education Partners Program. This partnership aligns our mission with cutting-edge technology to enhance learning experiences and outcomes. The Sprig team was also invited to the Apple Playground at the Reading for the Love of It 2024. It was an opportunity for all participants to explore the innovative possibilities of Apple technology in education.

      Revitalizing Indigenous Languages: Our collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations was finally made public in March of this year! AFN’s It’s Our Time Education Toolkit, creates resources to empower educators in revitalizing Indigenous languages. This initiative underscores our ongoing commitment to equity and cultural preservation in education.


      April: A Moment to Shine with Sprig Explorers

      Show + Tell Event by Promise Venture Studio: Sprig Explorers, the equity-designed, game-based assessment for early learners, took center stage at this webinar, showcasing our dedication to innovation in early learning. The event provided a platform to connect with other changemakers in early childhood education.


      June: ISTE and CAN/AM Edtech Reception

      ISTE 2024 in Denver: Our team joined thousands of educators and tech leaders at International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2024, exploring new ideas to enrich teaching and learning.

      While in Denver, the team participated at the 29th CAN/AM Edtech Reception to celebrate international collaboration and strengthen connections within the education technology community.


      November: Sprig Math at NAEYC

      NAEYC Annual Conference: The team was thrilled to present at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Conference. It’s always a pleasure to speak on our impact in early numeracy and share our learnings, complementing our literacy efforts. “An Equity-centered and Holistic Approach to Assessing Math in The Early Years” was a joint presentation with our academic research partners from St. Francis Xavier University.


      December: Sprig Reading 3.0. A Game Changer

      The Launch of Sprig Reading 3.0: December marked the much-anticipated release of Sprig Reading 3.0! Sprig Reading is a digital tool for tracking and monitoring early reading progress, enhancing any evidence-based program. Using intuitive Circle Charts, teachers regularly input data that is used to differentiate instruction and monitor reading skill progression against research-based benchmarks. This easy and intuitive tool for monitoring reading progress is now out! A free trial is accessible to all teachers and early literacy specialists.


      Looking Ahead

      This year has been a testament to our commitment to creating tools that empower educators and inspire students. 

      As we prepare for 2025, we’re excited to continue building on these achievements and exploring new opportunities to make a difference in education.

      Thank you to all our partners, educators, and supporters for being part of this journey. Here’s to another great year ahead, where we provide every child a fair shot at success. 

      Sprig Learning Launches Sprig Reading 3.0 to Address Low Early Learner Literacy Rates

      Sprig Reading addresses the growing literacy gap in early learners by providing teachers and schools with an advanced, customizable and one-of-a-kind monitoring of students’ reading abilities.

      Ottawa, ONT – Sprig Learning is launching Sprig Reading 3.0 to take on low literacy rates among early learners across North America. In the United States, nearly 2 of 3 grade 4 students are not reading at-grade level, while in Canada, approximately 1 of 4 grade 3 students fall short of reading proficiency benchmarks. The persistently low reading proficiency rates disproportionately affect underserved communities and families, where systemic barriers exacerbate the reading struggle among certain segments of the population.

      Experts consistently emphasize the ability to read proficiently by Grade 3 as the greatest predictor for future success. This achievement marks the shift from “learning to read” to “reading to learn”, which is a transition crucial for both academic and life outcomes. Studies show that non-proficient readers in Grade 3 are four times more likely to not graduate from high school!

      Children need help early, as 34% of children entering kindergarten lack the basic language skills they need to learn to read. But if such help is not received and sustained by Grade 3, it may be too late! This is a growing challenge for parents and teachers, all of whom are struggling to help young learners catch up in their reading abilities. Teachers in particular have long sought intuitive, effective approaches to implement evidence-based early literacy practices that provide measurable results for their students.

      Sprig Reading is tackling this alarming trend in early literacy head on by going beyond point-in-time assessments to dynamically monitor each child’s unique reading journey. Sprig Reading is a transformative tool designed to help educators track reading progress for all students, across all foundational reading skills. 

      How Sprig Reading is Monitoring Reading Progress Differently

      Unlike traditional progress monitoring methods, which are often time-consuming and costly, Sprig Reading is designed to fit seamlessly into a teacher’s daily routine:

      • Easy and Intuitive: Teachers can get started with Sprig Reading in under 10 minutes. Its simple, intuitive interface makes it an everyday tool, freeing up time for instructional planning.
      • All Foundational Reading Skills for All Students: Sprig Reading monitors over 200 foundational reading skills, ensuring every student is making progress in all necessary areas of reading development, regardless of their starting point.
      • Consistent Data-Driven Insights for All Tiers: Educators can frequently track progress for every student, creating daily and weekly data points to drive personalized instruction and timely interventions across all tiers in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework.
      • Supports Existing Programs: Built to enhance research-based reading curricula and resources, Sprig Reading enriches and supplements tools that currently exist in classrooms. 

      “Progress monitoring has always been focused on a small subset of students who need intervention,” said Mark Quattrocchi, Educational Success Lead at Sprig Learning and former teacher. “Sprig Reading shifts that paradigm, giving teachers the ability to monitor all students, every day, across all reading skills.”

      “Families, teachers, schools and students themselves are struggling with the alarming issue of low literacy rates, especially for our most marginalized young learners,” said Jarrett Laughlin, CEO of Sprig Learning. “Reading is the key that unlocks the door to a child’s imagination, curiosity, and lifelong learning. Sprig Reading supports young learners to build the foundation upon which their educational journey and future successes are built, nurturing a love for discovery that lasts a lifetime.”

      Sprig Reading 3.0 launches today in North America, and can be accessed here. Teachers with more questions can contact Sprig Learning here. Sprig Learning invites educators, administrators, and literacy specialists to join the Sprig Reading movement of monitoring progress differently. By rethinking the way progress is monitored, Sprig Reading ensures that every child has the opportunity to reach their full reading potential.

      About Sprig Learning

      Sprig Learning

      Sprig Learning is a purpose-built education technology company that develops evidence-based, holistic, personalized, and culturally relevant early learning assessments and resources. Its innovative and equitable solutions are designed to help educators assess, teach and support every early learner.

      Media Contact

      Rahat Haque
      Marketing Manager


      Curriculum Mapping for Reading Success in Pre-K to 3 Classrooms

      Curriculum mapping is a process used to align educational content, instruction, and assessments with specific learning goals outlined in a specified curriculum.

      In Pre-K to Grade 3 classrooms, where early literacy development is crucial, curriculum mapping becomes essential to ensure students acquire the foundational skills necessary for reading success. 

      This blog explores the importance of curriculum mapping in early reading success and what can be done to make this very important process easy and simple. 

      It involves defining the process of curriculum mapping, understanding the difference between mapping to a curriculum and aligning the curriculum to an external standard, and appreciating how both teachers and curriculum leaders have a role to play in this process. 


      Curriculum Mapping and Its Relation to Standards 

      Curriculum Mapping and Its Relation to Standards

      Curriculum mapping is a detailed and organized framework that aligns instructional content with desired learning outcomes and standards

      While standards define the goals, curriculum is the pathway to achieve them.

      Local schools and districts often determine their own curriculum, including materials and instructional approaches, as standards generally don’t prescribe specific resources or methods to reach the goals. But some states offer a pre-approved list of curricula that align to the standards.

      In some countries like Canada, the word curriculum commonly refers to standards. But the concept of curriculum mapping still exists, as the process of teaching still needs to be mapped according to the standards, which in this case, is the curriculum.


      What Can Be Mapped to a Curriculum? 

      What Can Be Mapped to a Curriculum?

      Curriculum mapping involves identifying and documenting what is being taught, how it’s being taught, and when it’s being taught, as well as linking instructional strategies and assessments to specific learning objectives. 

      It’s a lot of work! That’s why some teachers offer this as separate resources called curriculum maps. They are either for sale or freely shared, and have been developed by teachers who have gone through the process for their own classes.

      But each curriculum is different, and sometimes they are replaced or updated. 

      Thus, the mapping may need to be revised or completely redone!

      So it’s helpful to know what goes into a curriculum. Another way of phrasing this could be “what can be mapped to a curriculum?

      When constructing a curriculum map in early literacy, the following components may be mapped:

      1. Lessons and Units: Teachers outline the topics, skills, and literacy goals for each lesson. 

      For example, a lesson focused on blending must align with broader phonological awareness goals and objectives.

      2. Teaching Materials and Resources: Books, interactive media, and instructional tools can be mapped to ensure they support the learning objectives.

      For instance, a reading app would be mapped to the curriculum by matching its content with specific literacy skills, ensuring relevance to daily learning objectives.

      3. Activities and Learning Centers: Hands-on activities, group work, and individual practice tasks, such as phonics games or reading exercises, can be mapped to specific literacy skills in a skill set. 

      They can be part of the instructional strategy in order to master that particular literacy skill. 

      4. Assessments: Frequent formative assessments ensure that learning is progressing in line with literacy standards. Teachers can do regular checks to monitor progress. 

      Less frequent diagnostic assessments help in understanding which students meet benchmarks and who may need additional support.


      Mapping the Curriculum to Standards 

      Mapping the Curriculum to Standards

      The previous section highlighted what is mapped to a curriculum. The question may be raised, what does the curriculum map to, or align to? 

      In early literacy, curriculum mapping also involves the curriculum aligning with external frameworks, such as evidence-based literacy practices or national standards. 

      Luckily, this is not the work of the teachers, but the state/provincial education departments. 

      It’s up to these government agencies to dictate the standards and often offer approved lists of curricula. 

      Two popular cases of the curriculum mapping to external standards are mentioned below. The first is country specific, while the latter applies to both Canada and the US.


      Common Core Standards (US)

      In the US, the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts set benchmarks for reading, writing, and speaking skills from kindergarten onwards to Grade 12. Mapping the curriculum ensures that each lesson contributes to meeting these grade-level standards. 41 states in the US have thus far adopted the Common Core State Standards.

      In Canada, there is no equivalent at the federal level, as setting such standards is left up to the provinces and territories.


      Evidence-Based Literacy Practices

      With the wave of evidence-based literacy, curricula are being developed that are specifically aligned to research-backed methodologies. Programs grounded in this body of research known as the science of reading are increasingly approved and recommended by the different states.

      Thus, an existing curriculum might also need to be mapped to such research-based standards. To demonstrate with a small example, practices such as phonics-based instruction, must consistently be applied across lessons and assessments in the new or adjusted curriculum.


      Sprig Reading: For Both Mapping and Alignment

      Sprig Reading For Both Mapping and Alignment

      Sprig Reading helps teachers to align their instruction and assessments with evidence-based literacy curricula, while also supporting school leaders entrusted with curriculum administration to ensure that their current curriculum meets rigorous, research-backed literacy standards.


      For Teachers: Map To Evidence-based Curriculum.

      Sprig Reading is designed to enhance evidence-based literacy programs, allowing teachers to map foundational skills, such as phonics and decoding, directly to classroom instruction. 

      With over 200 research-backed early literacy skills spanning key domains, Sprig Reading not only maps seamlessly to any evidence-based curriculum but also enhances it!

      It ensures comprehensive coverage by assessing each skill through continuous progress monitoring, providing full visibility into student mastery across all foundational literacy areas.


      For Administrators: Align To Standards To Create an Evidence-based Curriculum

      Sprig Reading empowers school leaders to ensure their literacy curriculum aligns with the latest research and evidence-based standards, for every state, province or territory.

      By taking advantage of a comprehensive and proven framework of over 200 foundational reading skills along with an in-built progress monitoring capability, administrators can confidently upgrade their existing curriculum.

      In Canada, the curriculum is already approved, but still it’s up to the leaders to create an ideal early literacy program which their teachers can implement. They can do so by adding Sprig Reading to their assessment toolkit

      Sprig Reading 3.0 Has Launched!

      Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee

      Sprig Reading is a progress monitoring tool for teachers that enhances any evidence-based early literacy program.

      Optimizing Potential of Activity-Based Learning in Early Literacy

      Activity-based Learning plays a crucial role in early literacy. 

      To optimize its potential, it’s essential to understand what it entails, its core element of active engagement, how it integrates with other learning approaches, and how it extends beyond instruction into assessments. 

      This article covers it all, finishing with looking at ways in which activity-based learning impacts early literacy assessments.


      Definition of Activity-based Learning 

      Definition of Activity-based Learning

      Activity-based Learning refers to an educational approach that engages students through hands-on activities, allowing them to actively participate and interact with the learning material.

      This method emphasizes ‘doing’ over passive listening, encouraging children to explore, experiment, and practice skills in real-time.

      In early literacy, this involves tasks like phonics games, interactive story-telling, and word-sorting activities.

      Play-based learning shares all the same characteristics as activity-based learning in terms of being action-driven and interactive, but play is only one type of activity. 

      Activity-based Learning extends beyond play-based learning. 

      While play-based learning emphasizes exploration through games and playful activities, activity-based learning also includes experiential learning, project-based tasks, problem-solving activities, and collaborative exercises.


      Why Give Importance to Activities? 

      Why Give Importance to Activities?

      Activities are crucial in early literacy development because they provide opportunities for practical application of learned skills. 

      In evidence-based early literacy, there is no substitute for explicit instruction. 

      But in order to demonstrate the taught concepts or practice these lessons for mastery, there needs to be further engagement in the classroom. Often, this takes the form of activities.

      Some of the most popular forms of activities are mentioned below, all of which help solidify students’ understanding of literacy concepts:



      Research highlights that consistent and targeted practice, especially through interactive and engaging activities, significantly improves reading outcomes and long-term literacy success.

      The Education Endowment Foundation lists evidence-based strategies to practice early literacy, building on approaches that foster communication and oral language. 

      These methods highlight the importance of active learning through questioning and discussion, emphasizing activity-based learning’s role in effective literacy instruction.


      Project-based Learning

      Projects allow for an in-depth exploration of literacy topics. There can be individual projects or those that involve collaborative group work.

      For instance, building a class storybook can improve understanding of narrative structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

      In an article featured by the International Literacy Association, Dr. Miranda S. Fitzgerald, assistant professor of reading and literacy education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, highlights instances where early learners outperform their peers when engaged in project-based learning.


      Learning Centers

      Literacy centers provide children with the opportunity to engage in different activities that target various literacy skills. They are also commonly referred to as literacy stations.

      Centers can include phonics games, sentence-building tasks, or storytelling activities, which allow students to demonstrate their skills.

      An added benefit of these centers is that they can be used by multiple groups of children on a rotating basis.


      The Greater Domain of Activity-based Learning

      The Greater Domain of Activity-based Learning

      Earlier, it was established that play-based learning is a subset of activity-based learning. 

      Besides play-based learning, activity-based learning holds great dominion over other pedagogical approaches, particularly experiential, and multisensory learning. 

      All these types of learning contain activities that are mentioned below:


      Play-based Learning

      Play-based learning offers children a natural and engaging way to grasp literacy concepts through exploration, experimentation, and interaction.

      In the context of early literacy, play invites children to immerse themselves in language activities, such as letter-matching games, word-building with blocks, or storytelling with puppets

      These playful scenarios provide a low-pressure environment where children develop phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and sentence structure while simply having fun.

      The importance of play lies in its ability to seamlessly blend imagination with literacy development. 

      Activities like role-playing as a character from a book or creating words with magnetic letters serve to solidify abstract literacy concepts by associating them with familiar, hands-on experiences.


      Experiential Learning

      Experiential learning in early literacy engages children in meaningful, real-world literacy tasks that allow them to directly apply what they’ve learned. 

      Activities such as reading environmental print like road signs or menus, or participating in a simulated post office help contextualize reading and writing, turning abstract concepts into tangible, everyday experiences. 

      Children are no longer passive recipients of information; they become active participants in literacy.

      The immersive nature of experiential learning fosters higher retention rates and deepens understanding, as it links classroom instruction to practical, real-world use.


      Multisensory Learning

      Activity-based learning often incorporates multisensory techniques to enhance literacy learning, particularly by engaging multiple senses, such as sight, touch, sound, and movement. 

      Multisensory learning taps into different parts of the brain, allowing children to process and retain information more effectively. 

      For example, tracing letters in sand while vocalizing the corresponding sound or using color-coded cards to group words by phonics rules appeals to tactile, visual, and auditory learners simultaneously.

      This holistic approach strengthens neural connections, helping children absorb and retain literacy skills at a deeper level. 


      Activity in Assessments

      Activity in Assessments

      Thus far, activities are described in the form of teaching and practicing. What about assessing?

      Assessments in activity-based learning environments often take the form of quizzes, games, or interactive tasks that allow teachers to evaluate literacy progress while children engage in learning. 

      This approach ensures that assessments are a natural extension of the learning process. In this way, they are as much as assessments for learning, as assessment of learning. 

      In other words, activity-based assessments can be said to be more informal, and can be compared to formative assessments, which are absolutely indispensable to early learning success.

      While all kinds of assessments are needed in an early literacy assessment toolkit, activity-based learning’s strong connection to formative assessment certainly makes it a force to reckon with.

      Especially considering that formative assessments such as progress monitoring assessments occur more frequently than other assessments, they need to be fun, engaging and interactive. 

      Otherwise, their powers of providing real-time insights into a child’s reading ability may wear off, due to both teacher and student burnout. 


      Styles of Assessments and Expression of Activity-based Learning

      Styles of Assessments and Expression of Activity-based Learning

      There are many styles of assessments. Activity-based learning expresses itself in many ways in how it impacts early literacy. Here are some of the best early literacy activities for teaching foundational reading skills.

      Whether you need help in choosing assessment design factors, or balancing considerations such as control, perspective, frequency and timeline, there are many great reads from the Sprig Blog that detail each aspect.

      Focusing on activity-based learning, which of these particular assessment types is best suited for activities?

      Teacher-led Assessments occur when teacher’s guide assessments. They ask questions and score the responses appropriately as needed.

      Interactive Student Assessments occur when students engage in literacy tasks independently while teachers observe and record progress. They are also known as observation assessments.

      Student-led Assessments occur when students engage directly with the learning material, which itself facilitates the assessment process. Teachers may oversee the activity, but they do not intervene in recording responses or observing performance.

      It’s difficult to answer, because all contain activities. Whether it is the teacher facilitating the activity, or the student independently doing the activity, or both of them co-participating.

      By its very nature, assessments lend themselves well to activity-based learning,but it is important to specialize in a certain style depending on the needs of the classroom. 

      For example, Sprig Explorers and Sprig Reading, two tools designed for driving early literacy equity, both use activity-based learning principles in literacy evaluation.

      While Sprig Explorers uses game-based learning where early learners interact directly with a game, Sprig Reading leaves it up to the teacher to monitor and track reading progress. 

      Both however, call upon a certain activity to be performed, the completion of which is crucial to early reading success!