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The Ministry of Education in Québec outlines 5 competencies in its Framework for the Evaluation of Learning in its preschools. It is part of the Québec Education Program. 

They are:

  1. Increasing physical and motor development 
  2. Building self-awareness 
  3. Maintaining harmonious relationships with others
  4. Communicating using oral and written language 
  5. Discovering the world around them

It is great that there is more attention towards the interconnected aspect of early learning. Indeed, other than the content, process and assessment of learning, the environment in which the learning takes place makes a massive difference. It is one of the 4 constituents of differentiated instruction, which a holistic education facilitates. 


2023-2024 Education Budget Announcement

Quebec Ministry of Education and Higher Education is pledging investments totalling $449 million to enhance youth literacy and numeracy, which have experienced a decline as a result of the pandemic.


Holistic Early Learning

Quebec has a Revitalization Plan for Educational Success for reducing learning gaps in early learners. It prioritizes the provision of more tutoring and pedagogical support to students, and the reinforcement of relationships between schools and families. 

It focuses on ensuring that everyone can make the most of digital technology. It aims to support educators through an innovative pilot project. 

A research-action project will be undertaken to monitor the current situation and identify the most effective supposed practices. The effects of tutoring on student progress will be evaluated, especially as it pertains to literacy.

Preschool and Grade 1 students have been identified as a special group who need support for overall development and gaining a solid foundation in literacy and numeracy.


Mandatory kindergarten?
